The Friends of A1A’s volunteers gave their time and effort to assist in what was a very busy fall season of events.
The Friends sponsored their first “Super Scenic A1A Highway Garage Sale” along the 72-mile A1A Scenic and Historic Coastal Byway. Barbara Stark did a terrific job of coordinating the event. The Friends of A1A gained great media coverage and also had three successful garage sale locations. Carol Fisher, J Nejame, Janet Oehl and Mayra owner of new business Noah’s Bark in Flagler Beach and Susie Kontul had a cooperative garage sale and Sacha Martin held down the fort with a table in South Ponte Vedra at the civic association.
At the same time, Friends of A1A Project Manager Wendy Thomson coordinated a St. Augustine Beach clean-up and St. Augustine Beach garage sale. The Friends of A1A raised $300 that day!
The Florida State HOG Rally in St. Augustine Beach went off without a hitch. Debra Cox, Bob and Sue Hanson and Susie Kontul photographed bikers and offered thousands of images for biker to view and purchase (for purchase information, go to www.scenica1a.org). The Friends of A1A also had an information table with specially designed merchandise for sale. Garry Balogh of the FDOT and Clint Eliason of Florida Scenic Highways pitched in as well as many volunteers. It was a busy weekend and so many of you helped with this big undertaking. While the event didn’t generate as much new funds as we hoped, it was a terrific learning experience and a great way to give the Friends of A1A national exposure. Bikers that visited our table came from all over the United States.
And finally, the Creekside Festival was a great day to give away the free Buckle Up fans due to the heat at the Princess Place Preserve. The event was sponsored by the Flagler County Chamber of Commerce. The Friends of A1A drew a large crowd at its booth for the fans and the free face painting by clowns. Wendy Thomson put up a Beach Clean up sign and families stopped in just to sign up to help with beach cleanups. Thank you to Jane Culpepper, Anne Wilson, Donna Richardson, Barbara Jenness, Marge Rooyakkers, Sandy Sites and a special thanks to our face painting clowns, Rita Simmons and Sue Baldwin!
Susie Kontul, Volunteer Coordinator
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