County Commission action items: February 4
The St Johns County Board of County Commissioners held their Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2014. The following action items are reported to Historic City News by St Johns County Communications Specialist, Milton Soto.
Items to come before the Commission:
The Board proclaimed February 2014 as St Johns County Reads Month
The Board proclaimed February – April 2014 as St Johns County Agricultural Center and History Months
Regular Agenda Item One – Presentation by the UNF Small Business Development Center
The Board was presented an update on programs and activities at the St Johns County Small Business Development Center.
Regular Agenda Item Two – Visitors and Convention Bureau Annual Report
The Board was presented an update on 2013 tourism statistics with an overview of marketing and other activities conducted by the Visitors and Convention Bureau on behalf of the St Johns County Tourist Development Council, including initiative results, performance measures, goals, and objectives.
Regular Agenda Item Three – Cultural Council Annual Report
The Board was presented an update on 2013 year ending tourism statistics with an overview of marketing and other activities, including initiative results compared to stated performance measures, goals, and objectives, as efforts conducted by the Cultural Council on behalf of the St Johns County Tourist Development Council.
Regular Agenda Item Four – Appointment to the Tourist Development Council
The Board unanimously appointed Tom Manno to the St Johns County Tourist Development Council.
Regular Agenda Item Five – Public Hearing PNZVAR 2013-01, MADRB 2013-10
The Board considered a request for approval of a Non-Zoning Variance along with a Mid-Anastasia Design Review Board Application, allowing the continued use and reconfiguration of the existing pylon sign to a height of 23 feet, an advertising display area of 183.33 square feet, and the internal illumination of background panels to be opaque with high performance black vinyl. The Board unanimously approved the request.
Regular Agenda Items Six and Seven – Public Hearing VACPLA 2013-02, PUD 2013-07
The Board considered requests for plat vacation and rezoning of 38.37 acres of the St Augustine Circle Subdivision from Open Rural and Residential, Single Family to Planned Unit Development for elimination of 123 lots and development of 68 single family units and 24,000 square feet of commercial/office space. St Augustine Circle Subdivision is located south of St Augustine Park and east of U.S. 1 N. The Planning and Zoning Agency unanimously recommended approval of both requests at the November 7, 2013 meeting. The Board unanimously approved both requests.
Regular Agenda Item Eight – Public Hearing PUD 2013-04
The Board considered a request to rezone 433.30 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development to develop up to 580 single family units and 90,000 square feet of commercial and/or office space. The property is located on the west side of S.R. 16, northwest of the I-95 and S.R. 16 interchange. The Planning and Zoning Agency unanimously recommended approval of the request at the December 19, 2013 meeting with an additional recommendation that every attempt be made to provide interconnectivity with the Whisper Ridge community at the southeast portion of the site. The Board unanimously approved a continuance of the item to the February 18 Board of County Commissioners meeting.
Regular Agenda Item Nine – Public Hearing PUD 2013-09
The Board considered a request to rezone 144.6 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development to develop a 252 unit single family development. The property is located adjacent to C.R. 16A, approximately one-third of a mile northwest of S.R. 16. The Planning and Zoning Agency unanimously recommended approval of the request at the December 19, 2013 meeting with a condition to address the concerns of an adjacent property owner. The Board unanimously approved a continuance of the item to the February 18 Board of County Commissioners meeting.
Regular Agenda Item Ten – Public Hearing DEVAGRMOD 2013-05
The Board heard the first of two required public hearings concerning a request to terminate the Turnbull Development Agreement (TDA) based on the results of a new Application for Concurrency Determination for Phase I of the Encanta PUD consisting of 580 single family units (Encanta Phase I). The TDA is proposed to be replaced by a Proportionate Fair Share Agreement to mitigate transportation impacts, and forfeiture of all trips reserved under the TDA in excess of the trips required for Encanta Phase I. The second required public hearing is scheduled for the February 18 Board of County Commissioners meeting.
Regular Agenda Item Eleven – Public Hearing DEVAGRMOD 2013-06
The Board heard the first of two required public hearings concerning a request to terminate the Mill Creek Development Agreement based on the review of the Application for Concurrency Determination for the Arbor Mill PUD consisting of 252 single family units to be replaced by a Proportionate Fair Share Agreement to mitigate transportation impacts. The second required public hearing is scheduled for the February 18 BCC meeting.
Regular Agenda Item Twelve – Public Hearing COMPAMD 2013-04 Valencia Apartments
The Board was presented a transmittal hearing for Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2013-04, known as Valencia Apartments. The amendment proposed to change the Future Land Use from Residential-C to Residential-D for approximately 31.57 acres and a text amendment to limit the density to 10 units per acre, or not to exceed 288 multifamily units. The property is located adjacent to East Watson Road on U.S. 1 S., north of St Augustine Shores. The Planning and Zoning Agency unanimously recommended approval to transmit COMPAMD 2013-04 at the December 19, 2013 meeting. The Board unanimously approved transmittal of COMPAMD 2013-04.
Regular Agenda Item Thirteen – Building Services Additional Staffing Request.
The Board heard a request for additional staffing by the building services department. The Director of Building Services explained that due to a continued increase in plan reviews, permitting, and inspections by the Building Services Department (over 50% projected increase from fiscal year 2012), it has become necessary to request an additional eight staff positions for the department to function properly and maintain the ability to deliver the level of service desired by residents and the building community at large. Salaries for all eight positions would be fully funded by permit fees collected by the Building Services Department. The Board unanimously approved the request.
Regular Agenda Item Fourteen – City of St Augustine Beach and St Johns County Settlement Agreement the Board heard a request to approve the mediated settlement agreement between St Johns County and the City of St Augustine Beach concerning issues related to solid waste disposal costs and fees. The Board unanimously approved the request and the associated transfer of funds for payment of the settlement.
Commissioners’ Reports Action Items
Commissioner Cyndi Stevenson requested Board concurrence for staff to identify appropriate County space to be utilized in support of the Marines Toys for Tots program. The Board voiced unanimous approval for the request.
Commissioner Cyndi Stevenson requested Board concurrence for Administration to prepare and deliver a letter to the Florida Legislature in support of the Aaron Cohen statute. The Board voiced unanimous approval for the request.
Commissioner Rachael Bennett requested Board concurrence for staff to investigate policy that would allow the transfer of units within the Vilano Town Center area such that the total not be exceeded and all development still remain within the guidelines of the Vilano Town Center. The Board voiced unanimous approval for the request.
Commissioner Rachael Bennett requested Board concurrence to direct staff within the Office of the Board of County Commissioners to print a monthly, updated listing of County public advisory board members. Commissioner Bennett also requested these employees be provided with appropriate software to electronically manage the revolving list of public advisory board members. The Board voiced unanimous approval for the requests.
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