These memories of the Don Pedro Fornell house, built in 1804 and destroyed by careless contractors in 2014, are from the collection of Jack Williams who owned and lived in the historic home for many years.
They were taken in 1964 when the Museum of Weapons was being finished.
Many of the pieces from Williams’ extensive collection can still be seen on a website maintained by Williams’ son, Dana.
“Private ownership of our few remaining authentic historic structures is a sacred trust,” Historic City News editor Michael Gold told Dana Williams today when he shared the news of the loss of his childhood home. “These treasures can wind up in the wrong hands, we’ve seen it before. Mistakes and carelessness are hard to forgive when you put your trust in someone who should know better.”
It’s really a matter of common sense. Whether you are a licensed contractor or not, would you dig a trench around a two story house with heavy coquina walls that was built in the early 19th century?
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