Historic City News readers have noticed the attractive Spanish bunting and streamers installed last week on municipal buildings within the City of St Augustine as a visual salute to our Spanish heritage.
The flags and banners are being installed as part of St. Augustine’s 450th Commemoration weekend, scheduled for September 4th – 8th.
“As the festive flagging is added to municipal buildings throughout the city, we are hoping private property owners will participate by adding similar decorations to their businesses and residences,” Mayor Nancy Shaver told local Historic City News reporters. “The City negotiated with our vendor, AGAS Manufacturing, who agreed to extend local residents the same discounted pricing they offered us. We are hopeful this will encourage greater participation.”
If you would like to show your spirit as we celebrate 450-years of unbroken history, act now by contacting Jacklyn Liberman, AGAS Manufacturing, by telephone at 866.269.3524 ext. 6505, or e-mail to bids@agasmfg.com referencing Bid #GS2015-14.
You will be responsible for the cost of the bunting, as well as any sales taxes and shipping charges. AGAS will provide details and payment options when you contact them.
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