The City of St. Augustine Public Works Department has reported to Historic City News that they will start work on a major utility infrastructure upgrade on Monday, October 3 along Avenida Menendez.
The project is expected to take approximately four months to complete, but Public Affairs spokesman Paul Williamson promises, “The work will have only minimal and localized effect on traffic and parking along the street. There will be no interruption of service to customers in the area.”
Work will only be conducted Monday – Friday and only between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. each day.
The scope of the work will be to replace the aging cast iron sanitary sewer force main pipe between King Street and St. Francis Street, and to install a new water main along Avenida Menendez between Bridge St. and Cadiz St. that will improve service in the area and allow for better fire flow protection.
The replacement is being made through directional drilling alleviating the need for open trenching. During the work, some intersections will be closed for brief periods and parking will be restricted in isolated areas to facilitate the drilling process.
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