Tracy J. Hannah and Al Aldrich informed Historic City News that, following a meeting between the founding members of Vilano Action Network and the board of directors of North Shores Improvement Association, an agreement has been reached for an affiliation that will allow the Vilano Action Network to tap into the knowledge, experience and connections of the nearly 80-year-old North Shores organization.
The 501(c)(3) non-profit North Shores Improvement Association was founded in 1939 to assist residents with common needs at a time before Vilano Beach, Surfside, and North Beach were well connected to the main land in St Augustine.
“They like our energy, enthusiasm, commitment to communicating credible information, and our willingness to tackle tough problems,” Hannah, a spokesperson for Vilano Action Network, told local reporters. “We will be able to use the Community Center for our meetings, continue our own board members, and seat one of our members on the North Shores Improvement Association board.”
In announcing their next meeting, Vilano Action Network reported that they have already connected their communications savvy member, Sheri Barley, with her North Shores Improvement Association counterpart, Kym Bussey. The volunteers are at work combining the email lists, improving their social media status, and enhancing the Constant Contact communication tool to heighten their visibility.
Interested Historic City News readers are invited to join the Vilano Action Network at their next meeting scheduled for Sunday, 7:00 p.m., July 15th, at the North Beach Community Center.
Among the topics to be discussed:
- Volunteers to serve on our VAN board
- Community concerns regarding unruly renters
- Concerns regarding lighting, heavy truck traffic/idling at BP Station/Circle K
- Concerns regarding continuing drainage issues
- Survey results
- A report on our progress and challenges
“We are impressed by how many people are attending the Vilano Action Network meetings and asking to be on their mailing list. We realize that they may be filling a void in addressing some long-term issues that are affecting our island,” said North Shores Improvement Association president, Al Aldrich. “We have years of experience working with our county government and are well known to decision makers in our community. We are well connected through social media and have more than 3,000 members on our email list.”
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