The City of St. Augustine reported to Historic City News that the first of two public hearings on the 2009-10 city budget will be held Thursday at 5:05 p.m. in the Alcazar Room at City Hall.
The second hearing will be Thursday, September 17.
The agenda for Thursday will include public hearings on the tentative millage rate, the proposed budget, and assessment roll for the fire assessment fee.
Also on the agenda will be a “first reading” of an ordinance adjusting sewer and water rates, connection fees, and maintenance responsibilities.
The fire assessment fee increase of two cents, and electric utility tax of eight percent, will raise $485,000, and affects both taxed and non-taxed properties. George Gardner wrote in The St. Augustine Report, “The alternative would have been an additional one-third mill rate increase on taxed properties.”
City Manager Bill Harriss noted that, while the proposed millage is increased, actual tax revenue is $650,000 less than last year, the deficit being picked up by the fire and utility increases and other sources.
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