Historic City News has learned from Florida Association of Counties General Counsel, Ginger Delegal, that four of the nine constitutional amendments originally slated for the November 2010 General Election, have been challenged in the Florida courts.
According to the most recent update from Delegal, three of the proposed amendments have been removed from the ballot by the circuit court.
-Amendment 3, Property Tax Limit for Non-homestead Property and Additional Homestead Exemption for New Homestead Owners
-Amendment 7, the Florida Legislature’s Standards for Legislature to Follow in Legislative and Congressional Redistricting
-Amendment 9, Health Care Services
Each decision has been appealed to the Supreme Court. Delegal says the counties should expect quick decisions by the Court.
In addition to these three, Amendment 8, Revision of the Class Size Requirements for Public Schools, was also challenged in the Second Judicial Circuit on July 23, 2010. No decision has been rendered in that case thus far.
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