The Florida Literary Arts Coalition announced to local Historic City News reporters that the 2011 Other Words Conference will be held in St. Augustine on the Flagler College campus on November 10th, 11th and 12th.
This year’s theme is “Writing for an Audience”. Panels will discuss how to identify your audience, writing to a community (artists, children, teens, etc.), writing for public readings, writing to get published in literary journals and writing to get an agent’s attention; among others topics.
There will also be more pragmatic, “nuts and bolts” panels; covering publishing, submitting work, use of agents, the role of editors, small presses, teaching creative writing, collaboration, and more.
Additionally, daytime reading times of poetry, fiction, or nonfiction will be available.
The Florida Literary Arts Coalition hopes to bring together hundreds of the region’s literary arts people and form a regional coalition that promotes our mutual literary efforts in as many ways as possible.
The goal of the 2011 Other Words Conference is to bring together writers, editors, agents, publishers, booksellers, grant administrators, directors of writers’ colonies and retreats, and other interested folk in one place. We will be talking about the “how to” of the literary arts: how to write it, make it, sell it, fund it, and nurture it.
The 2011 Other Words Conference
is dedicated to the memory of Jeanne Leiby:Jeanne Leiby contributed high professional standards as well as contagious energy and enthusiasm to the early years of the Florida Literary Arts Coalition. She was not only a great source for creative ideas, but also a strong supporter of good ideas from others.
Although she hailed from Michigan, she worked her way south, earning her MFA at the University of Alabama and then winding up in Florida in 2004 when she became editor of the Florida Review. She embraced Florida, and she enlivened and enriched literary arts in the state while she was here. She will be deeply missed.
She was killed in a car accident in Louisiana on April 19, 2011. Police reports said she was driving a 2007 Saturn convertible with the top down. She was not wearing a seat belt. She lost control of the vehicle, hit the guardrail almost head on and was ejected from the vehicle. She was taken by helicopter to hospital, but she was pronounced dead on arrival.
Conference Fees
$80.00 Non-member Florida Literary Arts Coalition conference registration
$50.00 Member Florida Literary Arts Coalition conference registration
$120.00 Book Fair table with sponsored reading (includes one personal conference registration)
$100.00 Book Fair table only (includes one personal conference registration)
$25.00 Florida Literary Arts Coalition non-member student registration
$40.00 Creative Writing Workshops ($20 for students)
$40.00 Individual Manuscript Consultations (20 pages fiction and nonfiction; 12 pages of poetry)
$30.00 20-minute Publishing Advice Sessions with editors and publishers (advisers will not critique work)
Photo credits: © 2011 Historic City News staff photographer
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