Historic City News has learned that Senate Bill 432 passed by a vote of 4 to 1 yesterday, when introduced in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.
SB 432 would stop anti-gun doctors from asking children and parents if they own guns — and then telling them to get rid of them. It further stops doctors from denying care to children if the parents refuse to answer questions about gun ownership.
This bill is designed to make doctors practice medicine NOT practice gun ban politics in their examination rooms. As a parent or a patient you have a right to protect your privacy about gun ownership. How many guns you own and where they are stored is your personal and private information.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is pushing its anti-gun agenda of banning and removing guns from homes in Florida.
Voting to uphold the law and the Constitution and to protect your firearms rights were the following:
Senator Greg Evers (R-2) evers.greg.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Charlie Dean (R-3) dean.charles.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Andy Gardiner(R-9) gardiner.andy.web@flsenate.gov
Senator Chris Smith (D-29) smith.chris.web@flsenate.gov
(Senator Gardiner was substituting for Senator Paula Dockery (R) who had an excused illness.)
Voting against protecting the privacy rights of gun owners:
Senator Gwen Margolis (D-35) margolis.gwen@web.flsenate.gov
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