Recreation Superintendent Betsy Clarkson reported to Historic City News that the St. Johns County Recreation and Parks Department has partnered with the St. Augustine Elks Lodge 829 to kick-off the free “Kids Fit Club” program on Wednesday, January 19th at 2:30 p.m.
President of the Florida State Elks Association James E. Hurst, Jr. will be in attendance for this event. The Kids Fit Club is part of the after-school program that teaches healthy habits to kids at the Walter E. Harris Community Center Gym located at 400 East Harris Street in Hastings.
The Kids Fit Club is being made possible for the third year in a row through a $5,000 grant from the Elks National Foundation. The program will consist of 30 minutes of physical activity and 30 minutes of seminars on healthy eating and lifestyles, offered one day a week for ten consecutive weeks.
The goal is to give tools to the children in the after-school program to make healthy choices and educate them about the importance of choosing wisely. A personal trainer hired through the grant will instruct the participants, who will each receive a gym bag, soccer ball, hand-weights, exer-band and t-shirt.
The Hastings after-school program is offered through the Recreation and Parks Department.
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