A local St. Johns County Real Estate Broker needs Historic City News reader’s help in locating her missing dog, Cocoa.
Cocoa is 13 year-old, male, 108 pound, Labrador Retriever mix and he is sporting a new red collar.
Linda DeGrande with REMAX/100 Realty in St. Augustine, said that, unfortunately, she didn’t get a chance to put the dog’s tags on his new collar.
According to DeGrande, Cocoa disappeared from her backyard on South County Road 13 at about 3:00 p.m. today.
“He has a scar on his nose and one front leg from tangling with a Bobcat,” DeGrande said. “Cocoa’s never bitten anyone, but he has teeth.”
DeGrande said Cocoa is not mean or aggressive — unless cornered. She is concerned that because of Cocoa’s large size, he may be frightening to some people. “Do not try to grab him, because he could bite,” DeGrande asked. “He is skittish and will be hard to catch.”
If you see or have seen Cocoa, please call Linda DeGrande at (904) 829-1932.
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