• Patriotic music and displays in the park — A Veterans Day celebration will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. today at Veterans Park, 1332 Veterans Parkway, St. Johns. The celebration includes patriotic music, documentary films, a military display, a bounce house and food.
• Veterans Council Observation — The Veterans Council of St. Johns County, in conjunction with the Florida National Guard, will hold Veterans Day Observances at Francis Field in downtown St. Augustine on Friday. Ceremonies start at 10:45 a.m. Those attending are requested to be seated by 10:30 a.m. This year’s theme is “Serving the Veterans of the Present, Honoring the Veterans of the Past,” and special recognition will be given to St. Johns County Veterans of World War II. This year’s observances will feature re-enactors from the Men of Menendez and 1740 Spanish Garrison. The Veterans Council has also invited re-enactors in WWII uniforms with vehicles and weapons. At 10:59, muskets and cannons will fire until 11 a.m. to mark the cease fire that started “at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” to end the hostilities of WWI. The guest speaker this year will be Brig. Gen. Joseph Balskus, Assistant Adjutant General and Commander of the Florida Air National Guard.
• Sabbat service honoring veterans — Temple Bet Yam, 2055 Wildwood Drive, a Reform Jewish congregation, will honor local veterans during the Sabbat service. Services will begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday, led by Rabbi Mark Goldman. An oneg will follow the service.
• Anastasia Catholic Church tribute — St. Anastasia Catholic Church, at 5201 A1A South, will hold its annual Veterans Day tribute on Friday starting with Mass at 9 a.m. and followed with a reception in the Community Center. The Mass will honor the country’s veterans of all wars, living and deceased. Veterans of all services and those who currently serve in the military are invited to participate. The tribute is open to men and women of all faiths. Participants are asked to gather in the church narthex by 8:45 a.m. and proceed down the aisle behind the U.S. Colors. Uniforms and/or organization and unit hats are encouraged. Following Mass, veterans, service men and women and their families are invited to the social. Refreshments will be served.
• Music in the park — Friends of Washington Oaks will host a Veterans Day observance beginning at 10 a.m. Friday at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park. That event begins with a moment of silence followed by music performed by the Mantanzas High School Jazz Band. At noon, Jimmy Lopez, former USO Tour Entertainer, will perform a patriotic medley. Other activities will include a speech at 11 a.m. by retired Air Force Maj. Gen. “Will” Hessert, the inaugural tour of the Historic District Interpretive Panels, a plant sale, a silent auction, food and beverage vendors, a youth area and, the gift shop will be open. There is no admission charge to the park for the Veterans Day observance.
• Taps and a procession in Ponte Vedra Beach — Retired Navy Capt. Clarence Hill wills speak at 10:30 a.m. Friday at Ponte Vedra Valley, 4750 Palm Valley Road, Ponte Vedra Beach. The celebration includes a procession, dual taps and various veterans and school organizations.
• Veterans Day at the Hall of Fame — To celebrate Veterans Day and honor the armed forces, the World Golf Hall of Fame & Museum welcomes all veterans and their dependents to the museum with complimentary admission from Friday to Sunday. All members of the armed forces and their dependents will receive complimentary admission to the museum throughout the month of November, starting on Veterans Day. Bring valid ID.
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