St Johns County Junior Alliance of Medicine spokesperson Jeani Taliaferro, wants to educate Historic City News readers in the community about what she says has become an urgent cause for their group — spreading the message about the dangers of childhood obesity.
As part of their activities, Junior Alliance students produced and manned a display at Ancient City Kids Day warning everyone to look out for childhood obesity.
“Many of our students are involved in an ongoing project at the Wildflower Clinic; creating health education displays for their waiting room,” Taliaferro told reporters. “At Ancient City Kids Day, our students led visitors in exercise activities and gave away heart-shaped whistles to the participants.”
Displays at the booth stressed the importance of looking for physical activity and a maintaining a healthy diet — especially avoiding sugary drinks that recent studies show are closely linked to this problem.
The Junior Alliance works with the support of the St Johns County Medical Alliance and is comprised mostly of the children of local physicians and other youth interested in health related issues affecting our community.
The organization plans to offer their project for display at local schools in the coming months.
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