The Jewish holiday of Passover begins this evening and lasts until April 2. It commemorates the Jews liberation 3,300 years ago from slavery in ancient Egypt and their birth as a nation under the leadership of Moses.
The holiday is celebrated with Seders; a gathering of friends and family, on the first two nights of the eight-day holiday. It is one of only a few Jewish holidays that don’t revolve around going to Temple.
Instead Jews participate in several traditional acts, songs, prayers and dinner at home.
Early in the Seder, the person leading the prayers will break a piece of matzo in half. One piece is shared with all at the dinner table — the second piece, called the afikoman, is reserved for later.
In some families, it’s their tradition for the kids to figure out a way to “steal” the matzo and hold it for ransom of candy or money; in others, one of the adults will hide the afikoman, and, at the end of the night, it is time for the children go on a matzo hunt.
In any event, aside from the remembrance and traditional prayers for the Passover, most Jews make their Seder a special time for celebration and fun for the whole family — especially for the kids who can get antsy waiting for the dinner to start.
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