St Johns County is inviting Historic City News readers to attend a series of public budget hearings that will include an evaluation of proposed funding requests for each St Johns County program, project, facility, and new initiative, requested for Fiscal Year 2014, by department.
The hearings are scheduled for June 5, 6, and 7, beginning at 9:00 a.m. each day, in the San Sebastian conference room (Room 289) at the St Johns County Administration palace located at 500 San Sebastian View in St Augustine.
“Members of the public who attend the hearings will be allowed to ask questions and participate in the review process,” said Doug Timms, Director of the Office of Management and Budget. “St Johns County incorporates numerous policies and procedures that encourage public participation.”
If the hearings should flow faster than anticipated, the scheduled times may be adjusted accordingly. It is anticipated that one or more St Johns County Commissioners may attend and participate in the budget hearings.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
9:00 ‐ 9:15 Introductions
9:15 ‐ 9:45 Solid Waste
9:45 ‐ 10:00 Road & Bridge-Fleet
10:00 ‐ 10:15 Engineering-Traffic
10:15 ‐ 10:45 Capital Projects-Impact Fees-Special Districts-Beach Renourishment
10:45 ‐ 11:00 Land Management Services
11:00 ‐ 11:15 MIS
11:15 ‐ 11:30 Agricultural Services
11:30 ‐ 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 ‐ 1:15 Develop Services-Environmental
1:15 ‐ 1:30 Building Services
1:30 ‐ 1:45 Growth Management-Codes Compliance
1:45 ‐ 2:00 Regional Planning-PV Zoning
2:00 ‐ 2:15 Transit
2:15 ‐ 2:30 Emergency Management
2:30 ‐ 3:00 County Attorney-Legal Aid
3:00 ‐ 3:30 Court ServicesThursday, June 6, 2013
9:30 ‐ 9:45 Economic Development
9:45 ‐ 10:30 Construction -Facilities-Bldg Operations-Projects-Impact Fees
10:30 ‐ 11:30 Utility Services
11:30 ‐ 11:45 Medical Examiner
11:45 ‐ 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 ‐ 1:30 Cultural Events
1:30 ‐ 1:45 TDC
1:45 ‐ 2:00 Parks-Aquatics
2:00 ‐ 2:15 Pier-Golf Course
2:15 ‐ 2:30 Special Revenue-Park Projects-Impact Fees
2:30 ‐ 2:45 Beach Operations ‐ Beaches-Tolls
2:45 ‐ 3:15 Health & Human Services
3:15 ‐ 3:30 Independent Agencies
3:30 ‐ 3:45 Housing-SHIP-CRAs
3:45 ‐ 4:15 Health DepartmentFriday, June 7, 2013
9:00 ‐ 9:30 Library Services-Law Library
9:30 ‐ 9:45 Veteran’s Services
9:45 ‐ 10:15 Fire Services-EMS-Communications-Impact Fees
10:15 ‐ 10:30 Animal Control
10:30 ‐ 10:45 Beach Operations ‐ Lifeguards
10:45 ‐ 11:15 Personnel Services-Risk Management-Health Insurance-Workers Comp-OPEB
11:15 ‐ 11:45 BCC-Administration-OMB-Purchasing-Debt Service-Miscellaneous
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