Sheriff David B. Shoar shared with Historic City News preliminary Uniform Crime Report data that indicates, during the past six-month period, the overall crime rate in St Johns County has decreased 8%.
Since being first implemented, the system of standardized semi-annual reporting of crime statistics has provided law enforcement administrators and the public a vital tool in evaluating the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies, tracking similar offenses in other jurisdictions, and comparing data gathered from across the state by other law enforcement agencies.
“It is difficult to take credit for the drop in the crime rate, due to various factors that drive criminal activity,” Shoar told local Historic City News reporters. “I attribute the increased effectiveness of our personnel, our redistricting plan, and intelligence led policing concepts for this improvement over the past six months.”
Sheriff Shoar also credits the continued cooperation of St Johns County citizens in crime prevention efforts. He said, by staying actively informed of what is occurring in the county through social media outlets, good citizens are coming forward to report criminal activity.
The reports provide both summary and detailed information and are issued semi-annually and annually by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
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