From time to time, we make improvements to the Historic City News website, and we are making some this month. One, that has actually been available for several months now, is the ability to post comments to our website without being logged in to a facebook account.
Facebook manages our comments even though we publish using the WordPress platform. We find that it gives us more dynamic networking and reduces the load on our server providing readers a bit faster response.
So, how can you post a comment without being a facebook user? If you have a Yahoo!, AOL, or Hotmail account, just use the “comment using” drop down below the comment box.
You will be prompted to sign in to your indicated service provider and comment immediately.
We encourage Historic City News readers to use facebook for commenting directly on the website so that the conversation will be visible on both your facebook and our website. We also encourage you to show your support for a free press by visiting our facebook at and click “LIKE”.
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