ROMANZA board member, Anne Kraft, announced their next monthly “Gathering” to Historic City News this morning; inviting all of our readers to come out and join in the fun, listen, laugh, and learn.
Musical entertainment will be provided by Caren and Paul Umbarger, who make beautiful music together performing as “The Island Duet”. This acoustic violin, guitar, and vocal duo present unique, original arrangements in a wide variety of styles – including Gypsy, Jazz, Folk, Rock, Beatles, Irish, Classical, Swing, R&B, and Show Tunes. Caren and Paul are local, experienced professionals who love entertaining audience members of all ages.
“These gathering mixers are a unique and comfortable opportunity for the creative community to socialize, communicate and share ideas and information,” Kraft explained to local reporters. “You’ll meet fascinating people from St. Augustine’s Arts, Culture, Heritage, Attractions and Business organizations.”
This networking program will be held on Tuesday, February 11th, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the popular rooftop of the San Sebastian Winery, located at 157 King Street in St Augustine. Hors d’oeuvres will be provided courtesy of The Winery and a cash bar is available. Gatherings are open to all individuals and cultural organizations, members and non-members alike.
The featured speaker is former Mayor George Gardner; who will share highlights of St. Augustine’s history in an entertaining, presentation — with audience participation. Can you guess significant dates: 1776? 1565? 1964? How about the less significant, 1586? 1777? 1835? These are the dates all St. Augustinians should become familiar with as we approach the 450th celebration of our vibrant history.
Gardner’s fascination with living in the nation’s oldest city led him to research the names and sites he was unfamiliar with after he, and wife Sally, moved here two decades ago. Combining this with a newspaper background, Gardner wrote a series of twelve 1,000 word briefs and packaged them as “St. Augustine Bedtime Stories”, designed for quick reads before bed. A second 12 booklet series picked up on more famous people, events and sites. The two sets are available at $15 each at the Visitor Center, Lighthouse, Castillo, St. Augustine Textiles, and Fort Menendez, or by contacting Gardner.
Gardner was elected mayor in 2002 on the 100th anniversary of his grandfather’s election as mayor of Schenectady NY. Still a newcomer, his opponent boasted his own heritage as a native St. Augustinian, to which Gardner replied, “Some have the good fortune to be born here, and others the good sense to move here.”
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