Ellen A. Whitmer
Fruit Cove, FL
Dear Editor:
Saint Johns County politics hit a new low when voters received political attack ads against Ron Sanchez.
The ads were issued by the Conservative Leadership Fund using as their address a post office box at a UPS store in Tallahassee.
According to Division of Elections records at the State, funds came into this fund from Florida First Forever. Both groups are 527 electioneering Communications organizations formed to influence public opinion.
One of the principals in Florida First Forever is Jim Handley of the Florida Cattlemen`s Association. Jim Handley is part of Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam`s advisory team. You probably know that Adam Putnam endorsed Jeb Smith.
The trail clearly leads to the Jeb Smith political groups. He credits the agricultural community for his win. I cannot accept the fact that there was no knowledge when the same political consultant called Frontline Strategies out of Tallahassee is listed on the expense reports of Jeb Smith.
All of their mailings listed a bulk mailing permit number of 4390 including the attack ads mailing number of 4390.
Jeb Smith better get used to being examined under a microscope when he assumes office.
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