Historic City News readers are patriotically invited to attend the next general meeting of the Saint Augustine Tea Party, being held on April 22, 2014 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Inn located at 900 North Ponce de Leon Boulevard in St Augustine. Our distinguished guest will be Rose Bailey, speaking about UN Agenda 21 in Florida.
The popular and sought after speaker has been affiliated with the grassroots organization “Agenda-21 Enders” whose goal is to educate the general public about the downfalls of the intrusive program and its many obscure faces.
“For the past 4 years, our speaker has been a consultant doing extensive research on how our government is taking our freedoms,” Tea Party Chairman, Lance Thate, told local reporters. “Since her retirement from banking, she travels from South Florida, north to Jacksonville; giving presentations on Private Property Rights, Seven-50 (regionalization), Sustainable Development, and the Wildlands Project.”
Bailey will provide valuable information about UN Agenda-21 issues in Florida, including Florida Forever, a land acquisition program, and Florida’s Amendment 1 which is placed on the November Ballot.
Thate promises a very informative evening. No admission charge is required, and the meeting and program are open to the public. Bring a friend and both of you should follow the Town Criers on St. George Street at their website: www.SaintAugustineTeaParty.org
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