Historic City News has been published daily since March 2000. Reporting local news for St Augustine and St Johns County Florida, Historic City News is the county's only free press. Our mission is to hold public figures accountable to the public.
Earlier this year, Historic City News discovered that Julington Creek General Manager, Charles Edward Mooney, may have broken Florida Statute 817.566 when he misrepresented his educational credentials in order to obtain employment by the Community Development District. Even though Mooney claimed on his resume that he had earned a Bachelor Degree, in fulfillment of an advertised job requirement, he later admitted that he had not.
Most recently, Mooney produced an admission certificate which he claimed was “equivalent” to a Bachelor Degree. It was determined that no accredited educational organization in the United States recognizes the equivalency of this certificate to a Bachelor Degree; but, Charles Edward Mooney persuaded Supervisors Kannatt-Gapinski, Klein and Jacob that the certificate was legitimate.
Since the credibility of Mooney’s claim and the validity of the certificate came into question, we have since learned that a senior staff member, Shelly Timbol, who reports directly to Mooney, attached her notarial seal improperly to the document, in an apparent attempt to lend more authenticity to Mooney’s story and the alleged “admission certificate” at issue.
SHELLY TIMBOLThe Notary Section of the Executive Office of the Governor, investigated the complaint of notary misconduct against Timbol by Kathleen A. Cosnotti; a resident. The outcome of the investigation and finding of the office was that Timbol’s actions had indeed violated two laws: Section 117.05(12) (a), Florida Statutes, when she improperly attested to the authenticity of a photocopy of a public record, and Section 117.05(12) (b), Florida Statutes, when she failed to complete a proper notarial certificate to attest to the authenticity of the document.
Although Governor Scott could have revoked her notary status, Timbol was required to retrain under a state qualification program, and provide proof of completion of this remedial action within twenty (20) days, according to a letter from the Governor’s Office.
According to another Julington Creek resident, Leslie Miedema, the cloud of suspicion under which Mooney came to Julington Creek, his service to the Community Development District, and the relationships of three elected supervisors and Shelly Timbol, has become the bone of contention between residents, supervisors, county officials, and political observers in St Johns County at public meetings, at the community center, and in letters to the editor.
Shortly after the new General Manager, Charles Edward Mooney, was hired, those Community Development District supervisors may have violated Florida statute 215.425 when they voted to give him a bonus.
Other violations Miedema alleges:
Florida Statute 817.566 with GM misrepresenting educational credentials;
Florida Statute 190.033 and the Federal Antitrust Sherman Act when preforming bidding of contracts;
SJC Ordinance 2002-48, Florida state statutes 489.115 and 838.22 when hiring contractors without proper insurance or licenses;
Miedema also says she became the victim of harassment and was personally attacked through an email sent to all the home owners in the community after she pointed out, several times, that state laws and health regulations were being broken by the management and administration. Since there have been no reprimands in any of these matters, Miedema says those involved have jeopardized the public trust.
Some residents of Julington Creek say that although it is unclear why Timbol was never reprimanded, Miedema says she thinks she knows. She told Historic City News that Timbol “financially contributed and actively campaigned” for Supervisors Kannatt-Gapinski, Klein and Jacob in 2010 and again in 2012. What Miedema describes as “a political website that appears to be a mouthpiece” for the three supervisors, was registered using Timbol’s address. According to Miedema, “it is widely known and acknowledged” that during business hours, Timbol regularly posts comments to political websites and debates Julington Creek Plantation residents on Community Development District policy and decisions.
Are certain members of the Board of Supervisors supporting this behavior by refusing to stop it?
Miedema believes that when an organization takes fees and tax money, the taxpayers should be assured that they are spending it prudently — “we also expect the staff, who act on our behalf, will not betray the public trust,” Miedema said.
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