Cheryl Howell has invited all Historic City News Republican readers to join the Republican Club of Greater St. Augustine in celebrating the season at their annual Christmas Party on Monday, December 14th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Admission for club members is free, but non-member Republicans are welcome to join the festivities at the Shrine Club, located at 250 Brainard Drive, and get acquainted; $10 for non-members at the door.
“We’ll be spinning tunes, dancing, and competing in a trivia contest,” Howell told local reporters. “We’ll also be raising money for our annual scholarship award to area high school students through a silent auction. Come join the fun and help support our college-bound young Republicans.”
The entree is provided by the Republican Club; partiers are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Cash bar available. Sponsored and paid for by the Republican Club of Greater St. Augustine.
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