By: Heather Sciartelli
Tobacco Free St Johns
Kids are very perceptive, and in northeast Florida they know smoking is gross and dangerous. They know secondhand smoke is harmful and they do not want to breathe it in. We field a lot of questions from kids on where people are allowed to smoke.
After a brief explanation of our state clean air law, the conversation shifts to a more universal concern: smoking in front of business entrances or in outdoor dining areas. We usually discuss how often they walk past smoke to enter a store. The answer is usually “often” but they are shocked to see people smoking on a café patio. Keep in mind 15 years ago, there were still smoking and non-smoking sections INSIDE restaurants.
There is an opportunity for businesses to learn here. The culture and attitudes toward smoking of our younger generation has shifted. Smoking and tobacco use is less normal. Less people smoke. Many businesses have mirrored that shift. Starbucks, for example, does not allow smoking in its outdoor eating areas. Retail businesses establish no-smoking perimeters to prevent secondhand smoke from entering their building. Now, all types of businesses are creating tobacco-free and smoke-free grounds policies. Large corporations, educational institutions and hospital systems have successfully implemented these policies.
There is no better time for local businesses to consider adopting a smoke-free grounds policy. Tobacco Free Florida has developed a new toolkit to help local businesses develop and implement a tobacco-free grounds policy. It is a step-by-step guide that can be customized to fit any business. Here in St Johns County, businesses can reach out to Tobacco Free St Johns for FREE help in starting the process.
Our community values developing relationships with business owners to create a collaborative and supportive community for our children to become successful. When local businesses voluntarily create more smoke-free and tobacco-free spaces, it helps make the community healthier and safer for not only patrons, but also their employees. Talk about a cultural shift—creating health and wealth by ensuring fresh air for all.
Tobacco Free St Johns is a community-wide, locally organized group collectively working towards eliminating initiation and use of tobacco and alternative nicotine products among St Johns County residents, supporting policy change and educating decision makers about the impact of tobacco use and nicotine addiction on the lives of St Johns County residents and visitors.
To connect with Tobacco Free St Johns visit or like Tobacco Free St Johns on Facebook.
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