As our editor and publisher take up residence on St George Street for the 450th Commemoration, Historic City News readers will notice one profound presence as the walk the city streets — music. From about 3:00 p.m. this afternoon and continuing into tonight, stages from the Bridge of Lions to the Historic Downtown Parking Facility are alive with musical performers.
This hour, from our balcony we can hear ROB PECK performing on the Colonial Quarter Stage, at 4:25 p.m., on the Gazebo Stage in the Plaza, FPL presents WEST AFRICAN DRUM CIRCLES OF ST. AUGUSTINE as they share the beat. SEA FLOOR EXPLOSIVES performs beginning at 4:40 p.m. on the Hypolita Street Stage, presented by VyStar Credit Union. At 4:55 p.m., catch STANLEY ALSTON back at the Gazebo Stage.
The traffic is flowing, even light near Ripley’s on Castillo Drive at San Marco Avenue, and, as we made our way through Cuna Street, Charlotte Street, and Hypolita, everything was clear through to Spanish Street where the stage has been installed.
Patrick Cannan has again sponsored VeloFest parking for those on bicycle, in the grassy area south of the Huguenot Cemetery along Orange Street. There are quite a few folks on two-wheel bikes, and an assortment of rickshaws, and peda-taxis weaving their way to their destinations.
Driving into town from SR-312, once you reach SR-207, the entrepreneurs and some civic organizations are already set up for private paid-parking; near Tammy’s on South Ponce de Leon, an attendant wanted $20 to park, by the time you got to King Street, the Whetstone property was asking only $10 and advertising a shuttle.
One thing we won’t have during this special Founder’s Day celebration is scalpers — there is no admission charge to any of the scheduled 450th Commemoration events.
There’s lots ahead, we’ll keep you updated and listen for Historic City News breaks on our broadcast news partners, WFOY and WAOC during the weekend.
© 2015 Raphael Cosme for Historic City News
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