Historic City News business owners are reminded to check-in first with the Public Works Department before starting a new business, committing to a business location, or, before expanding an existing business.
City of St Augustine staff will help ensure various requirements don’t sneak up on you. For example, if a location was once retail space, but will now be used as a hair salon, additional plumbing requirements will need to be satisfied, and utility fees might be due for the “change-of-use”.
Even if the previous use was similar to the proposed business, for example converting a bakery into a café, or starting a new restaurant where an old restaurant once was, plumbing equipment such as backflow prevention and grease interception will need to meet current codes, rules and requirements for the new business.
So, to have a successful start, consider the following:
- Are you starting a new business?
- Are you changing or expanding the “use” at the location from previous operation?
- Are you relocating your business? The new location may not meet the same standards as the location from which you moved.
- Is a dumpster or dumpster enclosure required at the location?
- Will the new business trigger utility fees for change-of-use or additional use?
- The water service line may require a backflow preventer installation, testing, repair, or even replacement if not functioning properly.
- The business may require a new or expanded grease interceptor. If one exists at the location, it may require inspection, repair, or even replacement if not sized correctly or not functioning properly.
Send an email directly to UtilConnect@CityStAug.com with your completed Commercial Utility Account Review form, or call Public Works at 904-825-1040. The Public Works Department is located on the 4th Floor of City Hall at 75 King Street; use Lobby “B” elevator. Other Public Works Department permits, forms and applications can be found in the department’s Document Center.
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