Historic City News has been informed that a local group of heritage families, many of whom are of Menorcan descent, are adding their voice to the efforts of the pro-veteran’s group, “Save Their Honor”, who will be working with the Florida legislature this session to enact the state’s first Veterans Memorial Protection and Preservation Law.
Participants in the St Augustine alliance are supporters of the 1879 Ladies Memorial Association cenotaph in the Plaza de la Constitucion. The St Augustine ladies raised private funds to relocate and refit part of the original 1872 memorial; first installed on church property by permission of Bishop Augustin Verot.
To accomplish their mission, supporters around Florida are joining forces to affect this long overdue legislation. Participants will be asking all sitting members of the Florida legislature, and those running for office, to take a pledge to protect and preserve Florida’s veterans’ monuments.
Another group, the “Bring It Home” Coalition, held a press conference to announce the candidate pledge and campaign to return and restore the Manatee County Memorial to the historic Courthouse in Bradenton.
“There is a disturbing trend in America today that shows complete and utter disrespect for America’s fallen, men and women,” said David Munson-Chestnut, a spokesman for the group. “We are here to demand a reversal of this anti-veteran movement through the passage of a Veterans Memorial Protection and Preservation Law in Florida.”
According to the US Veterans Administration, roughly 10% of Florida’s population are veterans and approximately 30% of Florida households include a veteran.
Want to be involved locally in protecting the honor of our war veterans and the memorials to their memory? Join more than 1,600 others who signed the petition to stop the desecration of the local memorial to civil war veterans whose bodies were never returned home for burial.
Visit CHANGE.ORG to sign the petition and support the fundraiser to help generate money for legal costs.
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