Historic City News readers are patriotically invited to attend the Open Meeting of the St Augustine Tea Party on Tuesday evening, January 9, 2018 at 6:30 p.m., held at the Village Inn located at 900 North Ponce de Leon Boulevard, St. Augustine.
The special guest will be Billie Tucker, one of the First Coast Tea Party founders in Jacksonville.
The now-famous, February 19, 2009, rant by CNBC host, Rick Santelli, against the Obama administration was the spark that set Billie Tucker on fire. Her politically savvy friend, who saw Rick Santelli’s rant calling for a ‘Tea Party’, telephoned Billie. She yelled, “Let’s have a Tea Party!” and Billie said, “Yes”!
Within 24 hours, Billie and six of her friends held their first Tea Party meeting with 77 people in attendance. This was the startup of the First Coast Tea Party, and at their first Tea Party Rally, held on April 15, 2009 – 5000 patriots showed up!
Billie Tucker is an active participant in the media, bringing attention to America’s debt problem, out of control spending, over taxation and regulation strangulation on companies. Her presentation will focus on the Tea Party movement, President Trump, and the Swamp.
The Tuesday meeting is open to the public and is free of charge. Members are encouraged to bring a friend. Follow the Town Criers on St. George Street at www.SaintAugustineTeaParty.org
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