Historic City News learned today that in an email last Thursday to City Manager John Regan, Harold Bishop of Red Moon Properties, LLC, explained; “Due to the latest discovery work done on the building at 9 Aviles, and the resulting steps needed to be in compliance with local and state requirements, we are open to changing our approach from a very selective demolition to a revised demolition plan that would expedite the work.”
The original demolition permit was to remove only the roof of the building, but upon further investigations it was determined that the building is unsalvageable and must be completely removed.
The City of St. Augustine has issued the required permits allowing for the demolition and removal of debris of the commercial building located at 9 Aviles St. The demolition permit, originating from the Planning and Building Department allows for the complete removal of the building. The right-of-way permit, issued by the Public Works Department, specifies when and in what manner the work will be performed within the city’s right-of-way.
“This would be our course to 1) ensure the safety of our neighbors, 2) facilitate the merchants being affected as little as possible, and 3) remain on course as to the original opinion of appropriateness for the new design,” Bishop told Regan.
The right-of-way permit specifies that the work will begin on Monday, July 23 and must be completed within 10 days. Work may only occur between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. To hasten the project’s completion, and with the agreement of businesses in the area, the work will be conducted seven-days-a-week.
Regan reports that city officials are requiring daily briefings of the project’s progress and will continue to meet with merchants and property owners in the area to keep them fully apprised of the project.
Aviles St. was closed to vehicular traffic on July 4 after the city was notified of concerns for the building’s stability. Pedestrian access has been maintained and will continue throughout the project. Area businesses remain open even though the street is closed to vehicles until demolition is complete.
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