The City of St. Augustine Beach Communications Coordinator, Cindy Walker, reported to Historic City News that last night, September 23, 2019, the City Commission held a Special Final Budget Meeting to discuss issues like the millage, the fiscal year 2020 budget, insurance proposals, and projects for which the City will request County funding.
The Commission held a final reading concerning the millage rate. After discussion, Ordinance 19-14 was read and passed, which set the fiscal year 2020 millage at 2.3992. This is the same as the fiscal year 2019 millage but is a 5.72% difference from the fiscal year 2020 roll-back millage of 2.2694. A millage of 2.3992 means that this upcoming year’s taxation will be $2.3992 per $1,000 in assessed taxable value of one’s property.
Next, the Commission held a final reading concerning the budget. After discussion, Ordinance 19-15 was read and passed, which set the City’s budget for fiscal year 2020. Fiscal year 2020 begins on October 1, 2019 and ends on September 30, 2020.
To review the budget and related information, please visit: https://www.staugbch.com/citycommission/page/special-city-commission-budget-meeting-1
Then, the City Commission reviewed proposals for liability, property, vehicle, and workers compensation insurance from the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust (FMIT) and Public-Risk Insurance Advisors (PRIA). After discussion, the Commission decided to reject both proposals and continue with their current insurance carrier, the Florida League of Cities (FLOC) insurance program, due to their past satisfactory service to the City and well-regarded responses to other cities that were hit by tropical storms and hurricanes. The City will re-bid all insurance contracts in 2020.
At the September 10th meeting, County Commissioner Henry Dean informed the St. Augustine Beach Commission that the County had a surplus in its budget and suggested the City request the funding be used towards one-time, capital projects. After discussion, the Commission decided to request funding for the following projects:
- Pedestrian- activated signals at certain intersections along the Boulevard
- Construct restrooms at Ocean Hammock Park
- Place a sidewalk and improve drainage on A Street, East of the Boulevard
- Provide a shade structure for Splash Park
- Paving and drainage improvements on the West side of A1A Beach Boulevard between A Street and 1st Street
- Construct a parking lot at Hammock Dunes Park
The next Regular Commission Meeting will be held on Monday, October 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Historic City News readers are invited and encouraged to attend.
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