Jeffrey D. Kottkamp
Florida’s 17th Lieutenant Governor
Special to Historic City News
Last week we paused to give thanks for our blessings including the blessing of living in the greatest country in the history of mankind. We also remember absent loved ones — many of whom fought and died to preserve our liberty and freedom during their remarkable lives.
But there are those who are working daily to destroy what our families have fought and worked for. People who literally hate everything America stands for. I’m engaged in a fight here in Florida to protect our history and the memory of our veterans.
My goal is to signal to domestic terrorists like Antifa and the radical left that our historic memorials, including our military memorials, are off limits to their vandalism.
If you agree that we should be proud of American Exceptionalism, and that we must guard and protect our history for future generations, please take a moment and stand with me. Guardians of American History is pushing to increase the penalties for desecration of veteran’s memorials and defacing our historical monuments.
Thank you for your consideration. God bless you and God bless America.
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