Historic City News will be reporting on three separate resolutions that come before the St Augustine City Commission on Monday evening. Two marine issues will be discussed; a resolution to fund Salt Run dredging and another authorizing a plan for derelict vessel removal. Also on the table, community shareholders and the developer of Flagler Crossing will continue the debate over rezoning the North City property.
Resolution to fund Salt Run dredging
Commissioners Monday will consider a resolution and inter-local agreement for the St. Augustine Port, Waterway & Beach District to dredge the entire channel in Salt Run in a multi-phased project. Dredging for this phase of this project will cost approximately $200,000.00. To fund this phase of this project the district has agreed to spend up to $50,000 if the City applies for a $150,000 Florida Inland Navigation District grant. The resolution and inter-local agreement will begin the process.
Resolution for derelict vessel removal
Removal of four submerged vessels from the Matanzas Intercoastal Waterway can be paid through a grant from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in a program that now offers a continuous application cycle to assist in removing these hazards to local navigation. City Staff solicited three quotes from local marine construction firms for each vessel, with Yelton Construction selected as the lowest at a total of $49,750. A resolution before commissioners Monday authorizes the City Manager to apply for the project.
Flagler Crossing rezoning continued
The Planning and Zoning Board Tuesday tabled a request by West Sebastian, LLC to rezone a previously approved 107-unit planned unit development (PUD) off US I north to zoning that could allow up to 336 multi-family units. The board asked for further definition of the developer’s Flagler Crossing plans. The board was split on how to recommend the zoning to the City Commission. Some board members wanted the greater city control the PUD offers, while others argued multifamily development encourages affordable housing. Developer Paul Harden argued that with the Las Palmas condominiums and 585-unit Landing Apartments in this area it’s already established as a multifamily area. The site is across FEC railroad tracks from the Landing Apartments, with 273 units currently built and a second phase under construction for 312 units.
If you plan to attend, the commission meets in the Alcazar Room of City Hall, located at 75 King Street,will be held on Monday, January 13, 2020, beginning at 5:00 p.m. Speaker cards are available at the back of the meeting room. Complete one and return it to the Clerk if you would like up to be heard before the commissioners for 3-minutes.
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