Historic City News subscribers are being notified that the by the St Augustine City Commission has enacted Administrative Order 2020-11, pursuant to Resolution 2020-22, creating the following regulations. These several regulations became effective today, Saturday June 27, 2020, at 12:01 a.m. and remain in effect in the City of St Augustine for so long as a state of emergency is in effect or unless otherwise modified or repealed.
Every person working, living, visiting, or doing business in the City of St. Augustine shall wear a face covering in any indoor location, other than their home or residence, when not maintaining social distancing from other person(s), excluding family members or companions.
Pursuant to Sec. 252.46, Florida Statutes, this Order shall have the full force and effect of law, and pursuant to Chapter 2, Article VI, of the Code of the City of St. Augustine, a violation of this Order shall be a non-criminal civil infraction, enforceable under Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 2, of the City Code, which carries a penalty of up to a $500.00 fine.
All businesses are encouraged to prohibit entry of any person who is not wearing a face covering with the exception of those below listed persons:
- Persons under the age of two years.
- Persons observing social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines.
- Persons for whom a face covering would cause impairment due to an existing health condition.
- Persons working in a business or profession who do not have interactions with other persons.
- Persons working in a business or profession who maintain social distancing from another person.
- Persons working in a business or profession where use of a face covering would prevent them from performing the duties of the business or profession.
- Persons exercising, while maintaining social distancing.
- Persons eating or drinking.
- Public safety, fire and other life safety and health care personnel, as their personal protective equipment requirements will be governed by their respective agencies.
- The requirement shall not apply when a person who is hearing impaired needs to see the mouth of someone wearing a face covering in order to communicate.
- The requirement does not apply to any outdoor activity permitted under City, County, or State order, but face coverings should be readily available when coming within six (6) feet of an individual not part of a person’s immediate family or cohabitating living unit.
Nothing herein shall require or allow a person to wear a face covering so as to conceal the identity of the wearer in violation of Chapter 876, Florida Statutes.
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