Changes due to the novel coronavirus pandemic can be challenging and stressful for everyone. Know that the Disaster Distress Helpline is available for you and your loved ones in case you need to talk. Crisis counselors are standing by 24-hours daily. Call 1-800-985-5990 / TTY: 1-800-846-8517 or Text: “TalkWithUs” to 66746.
The next Situation Report will be issued to local Historic City News reporters on Thursday March 26, at 4:00 p.m. — unless conditions dictate an earlier report. You can go to http://www.sjcfl.us/coronavirus/closures.aspx for a comprehensive list of cancellations and closures.
The City of St. Augustine has executed Administrative Order 2020-06, to extend current restrictions and guidelines through May 8, 2020, which is consistent with the Governor’s Executive Orders. This includes the following:
- All permitted events, festivals, and large gatherings are cancelled
- All public meetings, including City Commission, Code Enforcement Adjustments and Appeals Board, Historic Architectural Review Board, and Planning and Zoning Board, except for emergency meetings as needed, are cancelled
- All non-essential meetings that do not address the immediate operations and function of municipal business are cancelled
- The Governor’s Emergency Order 20-71 prohibits all on-site consumption of food or alcohol by vendors and licensed establishments
- The Visitor Information Center is closed, and all City-managed on-street and off-street parking is suspended
- All parking meters, payment kiosks, and mobile parking app (ParkStAug) will not accept payments
- Termination of water service for non-payment will be suspended
- City Hall offices are closed to the public
- For the duration of time while City offices are closed to public access, convenience fees for payment will be waived.

The St. Johns County Utility Department is suspending late fees on utility bills, effective immediately, in an attempt to ease financial strain on families and businesses impacted by COVID-19. In addition, the Utility Department will not disconnect services on accounts with an outstanding balance. These measures are in effect until further notice. Customers with past-due balances that predate the current health emergency are still expected to pay for their services.
The St Johns County Public Library System is now offering county residents instant online eCard signup. If you don’t already have one, you can get a temporary library card, good for 60 days, to access the library’s online collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, streaming movies, music, digital magazines, and more. Signing up is easy right from the library’s website, www.sjcpls.org. Make sure you write down the card number after you register.
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