During their Tuesday regular meeting on March 16th, County Administrator Hunter Conrad presented a broad set of goals for the purpose of establishing the official “vision” for St Johns County planning. Historic City News has previously reported that, together with St Augustine City Manager John Regan, the somewhat ambiguous vision is said to influence the virtually autonomous administrators as they go about their decision-making on a day-to-day basis.
The Board moved to adopt the plan, as presented, in a unanimous 5-0 vote, over the request of Janet Patten who spoke on behalf of the St Johns County Civic Roundtable. Patten told commissioners that the organization would appreciate an opportunity to provide input to the county visioning plan before it was finalized, however, the Board soldiered on.
St Johns County Vision Goals adopted March 16, 2021:
- Economic Development – Thriving and Emerging Economic Opportunities
- Financial Stewardship – Fiscally Sound and Financially Stable
- Infrastructure – Prioritizing Today and Planning for Tomorrow
- Customer Service – Putting People First
- World Class Living – The Place to Live, Work and Play
In other business before the Board on Tuesday, the following appointments were made to various citizen boards:
Recreation Advisory Board:
Jillian Villemaire
Bert WatsonAffordable Housing Advisory Committee:
Brittany Coronado to four-year term
Steven Ladrido to four-year term
Nizam Emamdie to two-year termPlanning and Zoning Agency:
Zachary Miller
Jack Peter
- County Attorney Patrick McCormack announced during the meeting that he will be retiring when his contract expires on September 30, 2021.
- Oxford Estates – Commission unanimously agreed to send the Oxford Estates East proposal to build 31 single family homes on 32.5 acres back to the Planning and Zoning Agency (PZA) with instructions to address traffic concerns, the recreational area and the top lot within the development. Earlier the PZA had approved the development by a 4-2 vote.
- The LAMP Program – The Commission heard the first reading the Land Acquisition and Management Plan (LAMP). At the second reading, amendments will be considered before final consideration. Jen Lomberk, Matanzas Riverkeepers, presented several constructive suggestions: 1)replace the term “outdoor recreation” with resource-based recreation which by definition depends on natural resources; 2)include the Florida Endangered Species list along with the Federal list; 3)use references to the current Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission throughout the ordinance.
NOTICE: 6 Mile Creek Community Meeting – NW Sector
Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 6:00 pm utilizing ZoomNOTICE OF NORTHWEST SECTOR COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTICIPATION MEETING is being held to allow the public an opportunity to learn about and participate in the planning for the Six Mile Creek Outpost CPA request and PUD application, which is located at the intersection of County Road 13 North and Joe Ashton Road, just south of Six Mile Creek and North and East of Buddy Boys Country Store.
The northern portion of the project is proposed for an 11,900 square foot commercial space along CR 13 N, with 5,425 sq. ft. of self-storage behind it, and the eastern portion is proposed to maintain the existing general store, but add boat and RV storage, and allow for future redevelopment, providing for preservation of the wetlands along the creek, and required upland buffers and building setbacks, as well as scenic and development edges, and two additional driveways: one of Joe Ashton Road and one on CR-13 N.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83888124879?pwd=ZmYrOHVkYzdid0xERkYzenVXclNFQT09
Meeting ID: 838 8812 4879
Passcode: 213467
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