Florida Living History, Inc., President, Davis Walker, announced the 2011 calendar of heritage events to Historic City News local reporters this week.
10, 11, 12 – Flight to Freedom
Florida Living History, Inc.
1960 US Hwy 1 South PMB 193
St Augustine FL 32086
1-877-FLA-HIST [877-352-4478]
Travel back in time and experience the journey to Fort Mose! Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín will participate in a unique, living-history Event, retelling the saga of travelers fleeing to freedom in Spanish Florida on America’s first “Underground Railroad.” Fort Mose Historic State Park (www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, in St. Augustine, FL, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738.
Times for this heritage Event are:
• February 10 & 11 – 9AM to noon
• February 12 – 10AM to 4PM
Park admission is $2 per person. On-site parking is limited, but a free shuttle service will be available from the parking lot of the “Old Jail,” located at 167 San Marco Ave.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us
Phone: 904-823-2232
19 – “Frederica – 275th Anniversary” Living History Festival
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Los Presidiales de San Agustín will take part in the 275th anniversary commemoration of the founding of Frederica, established in 1736 to protect the southern boundary of England’s new colony of Georgia from the Spanish in Florida. This annual, heritage Event will take place, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Fort Frederica National Monument ( www.nps.gov/fofr/index.htm ), located at 6515 Frederica Rd., in St. Simons Island, GA.
Admission to the Festival is free to the public.
CONTACT: Jon Burpee / Fort Frederica National Monument – jon_burpee@nps.gov ; John Cipriani / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST (1-877-352-4478)
26 – The Historic Military Salute
Living-history troops will re-enact military units, from 1513 to present-day, in a salute to America’s patriots through the centuries. Florida Living History, Inc.’s member unit, La Compañía de Juan Ponce de León / The Company of Juan Ponce de León (1513-1521), will participate in this heritage Event, which will take place from 10AM to 5PM at Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park (www.fountainofyouthflorida.com/ ), located at 11 Magnolia Ave., in St. Augustine, FL! A flag ceremony, honoring our historical defenders, is scheduled to take place at 4PM.
Admission to Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park is:
• Adult – $9
• Seniors (over 60) – $8
• Child (6-12) – $5
• Child (under 6) – FREE
• St. Johns County residents enter at no cost with individual ID
CONTACT: Heidi Stouder / Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park –
Phone: 1- 800-356-8222
MARCH 2011:
26 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Mose
Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín present 18th-century, historical interpretation from 10AM to 2PM at Fort Mose Historic State Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), in St. Augustine, FL!
Fort Mose, located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738. Park admission is $2 per person.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
APRIL 2011:
2 &3 – First Landing
The first, annual re-enactment of Don Juan Ponce de León’s 1513 landing on the shores of the continental U.S. will take place on Saturday, April 2nd, and Sunday, April 3rd, at Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park (www.fountainofyouthflorida.com/ ), located at 11 Magnolia Ave., in St. Augustine, FL! Also note that Sunday, April 3rd, will be the 498th anniversary, to the very day, of Don Juan’s first landing in what is now Florida and of the birth of America. Sponsored by Florida Living History, Inc.’s member group, La Compañía de Juan Ponce de León / The Company of Juan Ponce de León (1513-1521), this heritage Event will take place from 10 to 4PM on both days. It will also feature a series of lectures by noted scholars on Don Juan Ponce de León and his world, entitled “This Other World”: Ponce de León and the Founding of Florida, and funded by a grant from the Florida Humanities Council through the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Admission to Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park is:
• Adult – $9
• Seniors (over 60) – $8
• Child (6-12) – $5
• Child (under 6) – FREE
• St. Johns County residents enter at no cost with individual ID
CONTACT: Davis Walker / La Compañía de Juan Ponce de León – info@companyofponcedeleon.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
16 – De Soto’s Landing
The 62nd annual re-enactment of De Soto’s landing commemorates the arrival of that conquistador at Tampa Bay on May 30th, 1539, to begin a four-year journey that took him and his army of over 700 through the American Southeast. Join us as National Park Service staff and members of the living history groups, Calderon’s Company and La Compañía de Juan Ponce de León, come ashore. Sponsored by De Soto National Memorial ( www.nps.gov/deso/index.htm ), located at 8300 De Soto Memorial Hwy., in Bradenton, FL, the Event features activities and demonstrations on the daily lives of the early Spanish explorers and the Native Americans they encountered. This heritage Event will last from 10AM to 4PM; admission is free.
CONTACT – Daniel Stephens / De Soto National Memorial – daniel_stephens@nps.gov
Phone: 941-792-0458
30 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Mose
Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín present 18th-century, historical interpretation from 10AM to 2PM at Fort Mose Historic State Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), in St. Augustine, FL! Fort Mose, located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738. Park admission is $2 per person.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
MAY 2011:
14 – The Military Muster at Mission San Luis
This annual, 17th-century, living-history military muster features public interpretations, displays, and weapons demonstrations. The heritage Event is hosted by Mission San Luis (www.missionsanluis.org/ ), established in 1656, with the assistance of Los Presidiales de San Agustín.
CONTACT: Karin Stanford / Mission San Luis – KStanford@dos.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
28 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Mose
Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín present 18th-century, historical interpretation from 10AM to 2PM at Fort Mose Historic State Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), in St. Augustine, FL! Fort Mose, located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738. Park admission is $2 per person.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
JUNE 2011:
24, 25, 26 – The “Battle of Bloody Mose” Commemoration at Fort Mose
This 271st anniversary commemoration of the 1740 Spanish victory at the “Battle of Bloody Mose” features a military encampment and combined muster of Los Presidiales de San Agustín and the Fort Mose Militia, as well as British and Scottish living-history troops from Georgia and local volunteers, at Fort Mose State Historic Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ). Located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, in St. Augustine, FL, Fort Mose is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738.
Park admission is $2 per person. On-site parking is limited, but a free shuttle service will be available from the parking lot of the “Old Jail,” located at 167 San Marco Ave.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
JULY 2011:
9 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Matanzas
Eighteenth-century military arts and black-powder demonstrations are presented by members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Matanzas National Monument ( www.nps.gov/FOMA/index.htm ), part of St. Augustine’s southern defenses, built in 1740-42.
CONTACT: Chris Leverett / Fort Matanzas National Monument – Chris_Leverett@nps.gov ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
30 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Mose
Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín present 18th-century, historical interpretation from 10AM to 2PM at Fort Mose Historic State Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), in St. Augustine, FL! Fort Mose, located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738. Park admission is $2 per person.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
AUGUST 2011:
6 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Matanzas
Eighteenth-century military arts and black-powder demonstrations are presented by members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Matanzas National Monument (www.nps.gov/FOMA/index.htm ), part of St. Augustine’s southern defenses, built in 1740-42.
CONTACT: Chris Leverett / Fort Matanzas National Monument – Chris_Leverett@nps.gov ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
10 – Don Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and the Founding of St. Augustine
The annual, historical re-enactment of Menéndez’ landing and the founding of the city of St. Augustine in 1565, as well as 446th anniversary commemorations, will be held at Mission Nombre de Dios (www.missionandshrine.org/ ), located at 27 Ocean Ave., in St. Augustine, FL! This heritage Event begins at 10AM and admission is free of charge to the public.
CONTACT: Mark Schmitt / La Compañía de Santiago (The Company of St. James) –
info@companiadesantiago.org ; Mission Nombre de Dios – shrine@missionandshrine.org
Phone: 1-877-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
(?) 16 – First Muster
The Florida National Guard and Florida Department of Military Affairs, in partnership with La Compañía de Santiago (The Company of St. James), a member unit of Florida Living History, Inc., will commemorate the 446th anniversary of the first mustering of America’s original citizen-soldiers and the “birthday” of the U.S. National Guard. This heritage Event will take place on the grounds of the Florida National Guard’s (www.floridaguard.army.mil/ ) headquarters in the St. Francis Barracks, at 82 Marine St., in St. Augustine, FL.
CONTACT: Mark Schmitt / La Compañía de Santiago (The Company of St. James) –
info@companiadesantiago.org Phone: 1-877-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
24 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Mose
Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín present 18th-century, historical interpretation from 10AM to 2PM at Fort Mose Historic State Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), in St. Augustine, FL! Fort Mose, located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738. Park admission is $2 per person.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
(?) 8 & 9 – The 22nd Annual Colonial Arts and Crafts Fair
The Textile Guild of St. Augustine and other colonial craftspeople demonstrate Florida’s lost arts, such as indigo dying, palmetto broom making, black-work, lace making, woodcarving, and blacksmithing, at the Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum (www.staugustinegovernment.com/visitors/spanish_quarter.cfm ).
Located at 35 St. George Street, in downtown St. Augustine, this heritage Event will take place on Saturday, October 8th, from 10AM to 4PM, and on Sunday, October 9th, from noon to 4PM.
CONTACT: Maurine Boles / The Textile Guild of St. Augustine – maurineboles@yahoo.com ; Catherine Culver / City of St. Augustine Department of Heritage Tourism – cculver@citystaug.com
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
29 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Mose
Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín present 18th-century, historical interpretation from 10AM to 2PM at Fort Mose Historic State Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), in St. Augustine, FL! Fort Mose, located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738. Park admission is $2 per person.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
26 – Los Presidiales de San Agustín at Fort Mose
Members of Los Presidiales de San Agustín present 18th-century, historical interpretation from 10AM to 2PM at Fort Mose Historic State Park ( www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose/default.cfm ), in St. Augustine, FL! Fort Mose, located at 15 Fort Mose Trail, is the site of the first, legally sanctioned free black settlement in the continental U.S., established in 1738. Park admission is $2 per person.
CONTACT: Terri Newmans / Fort Mose State Historic Park – terri.newmans@dep.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
11 – The Commemorative Mass at Mission San Luis
Los Presidiales de San Agustín will participate in the commemorative Mass in the in the re-created, 17thcentury Franciscan church at Mission San Luis ( www.missionsanluis.org/ ), a National Historic Landmark, located at 2100 W. Tennessee St., in Tallahassee, FL. The annual Mass honors the over-100 Spanish missions that existed in La Florida in the 16th and 17th centuries.
CONTACT: Karin Stanford / Mission San Luis – KStanford@dos.state.fl.us ; Dr. Richard Shortlidge / Los Presidiales de San Agustín – info@presidialesdesanagustin.org
Phone: 1-887-FLA-HIST [1-877-352-4478]
17 – Navidad en el Viejo San Agustín (Christmas in Old St. Augustine)
This new, annual heritage Event will feature the Christmas music and customs of 16th-century St. Augustine, our nation’s oldest city! Hosted by Alondra and La Compañía de Santiago, member groups of Florida Living History, Inc., this holiday celebration will take place at Mission Nombre de Dios (
www.missionandshrine.org/ ), located at 27 Ocean Ave., in St. Augustine, FL. This heritage Event begins at 7PM and admission is free of charge to the public.
Florida Living History, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the support of living history activities, events, and portrayals related to the history of colonial Florida.
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