The St Johns County Public Library System informed Historic City News that they will be making two changes that will affect library patrons and their ability to continue their borrowing privileges in the future.
Collection of past-due fines has been a problem for the library whose budget continues to be cut each year. These new policies will reduce the amount of money you can owe the library, in most cases, and will accelerate the time you have to pay without losing your library privileges.
If you owe library fines or fees, each branch can accept your payment by cash, check or money order. Debit or credit cards cannot be used for fine and fee payments. Further information and details can be found on the website at
On January 1, 2013, patrons will not be able to use their library card to borrow materials or use the public computers if they owe $10 or more in library fines or fees.
In a second change, patrons will be asked to renew their library cards on an annual basis, with all library fines paid-in-full prior to renewal.
To help ease the strain and help a worthwhile cause, the library will continue to conduct the “Food for Fines” program through January 5th. This means you can lower your fines with the donation of food items: a dollar will be removed from your account for each non-expired, non-perishable item you bring to your local library.
If you have $15 worth of fines, bring in 15 cans of food and those fines will be removed from your account. The only exception will be fees assessed for lost or damaged items—those fees cannot be waived.
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