Jeremy Marquis, RLA, Marquis Latimer + Halback, Inc., and Amy Skinner, Senior Planner for the City of St. Augustine, will join Historic City News readers for the initial public meeting regarding an update to the entry corridor design standards for Anastasia Boulevard; tomorrow night, Thursday, September 29th.
The City is planning a series of workshops and meetings, including public input from the merchants and residents of Anastasia Island, and public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board (PZB) and the Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB).
“There will be plenty of opportunity to contribute discussion and ideas during this process,” Paul Williamson told local Historic City News reporters. “This is the time to help determine the appearance character of Anastasia Boulevard for the next 15 years.”
The meeting offers the public an opportunity to discuss the initial analysis of the corridor and provide feedback to the design and planning team. The public process is an important component of the update to the guidelines.
The meeting will convene in the Alcazar Room at City Hall, 75 King Street, and begins at 5:30 p.m.
Design Standards for Entry Corridors (current document)
Project Introduction Flier
Community Meeting Flier
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