The St. Johns County Public Library System reported its plans for entertaining and educational events in store for Historic City News readers this month.
Bartram Trail Branch Library Events
Telephone: (904) 827-6960 Fax: (904) 827-6965
ACT and SAT Practice Tests
Monday, October 3 @ 5 pm – The Friends of the Library are offering ACT and SAT prep classes for FOL members. Practice Tests for ACT and SAT are on October 3 @ 5 pm. For registration information, contact Please provide your name, grade, and ACT or SAT.
Adult Crochet Group
Monday, October 3 @ 6 pm – Adults and teens age 14 and older are invited to attend the Project Lap Blanket crochet group. We will crochet or knit blankets for cancer patients at area hospitals. All skill levels are welcome. Can’t attend? Pick up a pattern at the library, crochet in your spare time and drop it off. Drop off any yarn you’d like to donate during regular library hours.
Teen Anime Club
Tuesday, October 4 @ 6 pm – Join us for a viewing of a popular anime movie. Refreshments will be provided. Ages 12+
Children’s Movie Matinee
Wednesday, October 5 @ 3 pm – It’s an early release day! Grab your friends and join us for a movie at 3pm. Please contact us at 904-827-6960 to find out what we’re showing this week on our big screen. Snacks are provided; bring your own drinks.
Friends of the Library Book Sale
Saturday, October 8 @ 9:30 am-Noon – The Friends of the Library will hold the October book sale on Saturday, October 8 from 9:30 am to noon. Books of all kinds will be on sale! In addition to books, other items such as DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, and audio books will be available.
Computer Class: “Open Office”
Saturday, October 8 @ 10:15 am – Are you looking for an alternative to Microsoft Office? Open Office is a FREE open source program you can download to your computer. Come to this introductory session to compare the two programs side by side and see which works best for you and your budget.
Computer Class: “Google Docs”
Saturday, October 8 @ 11:15 am – Come and learn more about Google’s free online office suite. Everything you create in this is in the cloud; that means you can access it from anything with an internet connection. Come to this introductory session to see the pros and cons of this free service. Pre-requisite: You must have a Google account before attending. Don’t have one? Go to and sign up for a free account.
Genealogy Club
Saturday, October 8 @ 2 pm – Brick Walls: Come share the details of that elusive ancestor who just doesn’t want to be found. Show us what you’ve got, and we’ll see if we have any ideas. This meeting will be in preparation for guest speaker, C. Ann Staley, Certified Genealogist, in November. We’re an informal group with varying levels of experience, and we love seeing new faces. For more information, please call 904-827-6960.
Moon Viewing
Saturday, October 8 @ 7 pm – We are looking at the moon! Please join us on Saturday, October 8 at 7 pm when the North East Florida Astronomy Society shows us the sky! (Weather permitting)
Adult Crochet Group
Monday, October 10 @ 6 pm – Adults and teens age 14 and older are invited to attend the Project Lap Blanket crochet group. We will crochet or knit blankets for cancer patients at area hospitals. All skill levels are welcome. Can’t attend? Pick up a pattern at the library, crochet in your spare time and drop it off. Drop off any yarn you’d like to donate during regular library hours.
Teen Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday, October 12 @ 4 pm – The library is a great place to get your volunteer hours! Orientation is mandatory and counts as your first service hour. Class size is limited; please call 904-827-6960 for registration information.
Thursday Night at the Movies
Thursday, October 13 @ 6 pm – Join us for Thursday Night at the Movies at 6 pm. Please contact us at 827-6960 to find out what we’ll be showing on the big screen!
Master Gardeners’ Plant Clinic
Saturday, October 15 @ 10 am – Having trouble growing the perfect plants? Get answers at the Master Gardeners’ plant clinic at 10 am.
Teen Read Week Kickoff: “Movie”
Saturday, October 15 @ 2pm – Teen Read Week Kickoff! Teens 11–18 are invited to our kickoff for teen read week! We’re showing the third movie of a popular series on our big screen–catch up on Edward, Bella, and Jacob before The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part I hits the theatres in November! Refreshments will be served.
Teen Gamers
Saturday, October 15 @ 5-7 pm – Teens, grades 6-12 bring your friends and come on out for an evening of gaming on Saturday, October 15–in addition to X-Box 360, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band, we’ll be unveiling our new gaming system and games! Refreshments will be served.
Bartram Trail Book Club
Monday, October 17 @ 7 pm – This month’s book will be Still Alice by Lisa Genova. All are welcome to come and join a lively discussion.
Teen Anime Club Halloween Party
Tuesday, October 18 @ 6 pm – The Teen Anime Club is having a Halloween party on Tuesday, October 18 at 6 pm. Costumes are encouraged but not required. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Adult Crochet Group
Tuesday, October 18 @ 6 pm – Adults and teens age 14 and older are invited to attend the Project Lap Blanket crochet group. We will crochet or knit blankets for cancer patients at area hospitals. All skill levels are welcome. Can’t attend? Pick up a pattern at the library, crochet in your spare time and drop it off. Drop off any yarn you’d like to donate during regular library hours.
Master Gardeners’ Plant Clinic
Thursday, October 20 @ 10 am – Having trouble growing the perfect plants? Get answers at the Master Gardeners’ plant clinic at 10 am on Thursday, October 20.
Computer Class: “File Management”
Thursday, October 20 @ 1 pm – This is a new class for us! In this class, you’ll learn not only how to save files, but how to actually FIND them afterwards! You’ll also learn the basics of how your hard drive is organized. Please call 904-827-6960 for registration information.
Children’s Magic Show & Trail of Treats
Thursday, October 20 @ 3 pm – Children of all ages are invited to attend the Magic Show followed by a trip down the trail of Halloween treats. Costumes are encouraged but not required. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Adult Crochet Group
Monday, October 24 @ 6 pm – Adults and teens age 14 and older are invited to attend the Project Lap Blanket crochet group. We will crochet or knit blankets for cancer patients at area hospitals. All skill levels are welcome. Can’t attend? Pick up a pattern at the library, crochet in your spare time and drop it off. Drop off any yarn you’d like to donate during regular library hours.
Computer Class: “Introduction to Word 2003 Part 2”
Tuesday, October 25 @ 3 pm – Learn about more advanced Word functions such as Find & Replace, adjusting toolbars, bullets and numbering, page numbers, symbols, and footnotes. Please note this is Office 2003. If you have 2007 or 2010 on your computer, it will look different, but the functions are similar. Please call 904-827-6960 for registration information.
Computer Class: “Excel 2003”
Tuesday, October 25 @ 5:30 pm – Here you’ll learn the basics of entering, editing and formatting data and simple formulas. You’ll also learn how to work with data in multiple worksheets, how to create charts and printing functions. Please note this is Office 2003. If you have 2007 or 2010 on your computer, it will look different, but the functions are similar. Registration is required. Please call 904-827-6960 for registration information.
Children’s Art Activity
Wednesday, October 26 @ 3 pm – If you like art and you’re in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade, come participate in an artist-inspired art activity.
Teen Book Club
Thursday, October 27 @ 6 pm – Are you a teen who likes to read? Do you like to talk about the books you’ve read? Then come to the Teen Book Club at 6 pm. Light refreshments are provided by the Friends of the Library.
Adult Crochet Group
Monday, October 31 @ 6 pm – Adults and teens age 14 and older are invited to attend the Project Lap Blanket crochet group. We will crochet or knit blankets for cancer patients at area hospitals. All skill levels are welcome. Can’t attend? Pick up a pattern at the library, crochet in your spare time and drop it off. Drop off any yarn you’d like to donate during regular library hours.
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