Historic City News learned from the Florida Department of Transportation that St. Johns Sheriff’s Corporal Robin Juratovac will be recognized at a ceremony on Wednesday, October 26th as a “Top Officer” for her outstanding efforts during the 2011 Train Safety Awareness Week.
More than 9,200 St. Augustine and St. Johns County high school students received age-appropriate “Operation Lifesaver” literature during Train Safety Awareness Week, thanks to the efforts of Corporal Juratovac.
There will be a special recognition ceremony held for Juratovac at 3:00 p.m. on October 26th in the County Auditorium of the St. Johns County Administration Palace located at 500 San Sebastian View in St. Augustine.
Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade intersections and on railroad right-of-ways through public education, engineering and enforcement. Each year Operation Lifesaver’s 3,000 presenters teach millions of drivers and pedestrians how to make safe decisions around tracks and trains.
Florida Operation Lifesaver is committed to educating the public on the importance of railway safety. Spreading and enforcing this message would not be possible without the help of our law enforcement partners throughout the state.
Thanks to their interest and involvement, Operation Lifesaver was able to spread this vital message on a larger scale.
Corporal Juratovac’s enthusiasm and support is greatly appreciated by all in the Florida Operation Lifesaver organization.
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