Letter: Media Spin
Letter: Media Spin
Lance Thate
Chairman Town Crier Committee
St Augustine, FL
Dear Editor:
We all know that the print media news divisions would be better described as organs of propaganda.
Many understand that this occurs from the great newspapers, such as the New York Times, down to the smaller local papers and all points in between. The progressive movement is in complete control of the print media.
The easiest way for the progressives to manipulate the news is to simply fail to report issues they do not wish to deal with. If public pressure forces them to report it, they report it with a few misstatements of facts that encourage the reader to reach the conclusion desired. A third way to distort facts is to bring into disrepute the individuals associated with the article, in order to cast doubt on the veracity of the news.
The Saint Augustine Tea Party has experienced all three methods at the hands of The St. Augustine Record staff.
An example of this behavior can reviewed in an article titled “It’s about truth Peter” which appeared in the Town Crier Committee Report; Volume 1, Issue 11. See archives in Town Crier tab, www.saintaugustineteaparty.org
Most recently, Peter Ellis, editor at The Record, contacted the Town Crier Committee with the request to cover their activities. He assured a thorough and respectful reporter, in the person of Douglas Jordan.
The Town Crier Committee members believe Jordan was, perhaps, a bit overwhelmed by the public acceptance witnessed on October 6th. Jordan took numerous photographs.
Jordan advised the Town Crier Committee that he needed to return the following week. This time, he returned with two St. Augustine Record photographers.
Peter Ellis selects nine pictures, submitted by Record photographers, which distort the story and marginalize the Town Crier Committee members.
That’s what The Record does — champion the Left and ridicule the Right.
The Town Crier events should have been told with about forty photos in its slideshow.
Some might say that the Town Crier Committee ate “sour grapes”, but the Criers really never expected a tolerant exposure.
The main goal of Ellis was to get the “Big Red Sign” on the front page of the local progressive publication, The St. Augustine Record. To that end, we say, “Mission Accomplished”.
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