Historic City News readers in St Johns County will have one final opportunity to provide input for the North Florida Regional Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan Study being conducted by the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization.
A series of five open-house walk-through public meetings with multiple stations are being conducted to allow attendees to review and comment on the Plan’s draft elements.
The public meeting is from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. and is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6 to be held in the Alcazar Room of City Hall located at 75 King Street in St Augustine.
More than 2,000 responses to a recent survey were submitted that reflected the current levels of bicycling and walking for people living in Northeast Florida, their attitudes about cycling and walking, and their opinions about barriers that currently exist.
The North Florida TPO handles a wide range of initiatives and projects that include the long range transportation plan; a Transportation Improvement Program; Commuter Services, car and vanpool program; freight mobility and congestion management studies; coalitions for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Clean Cities; forums on integrating land use and transportation, public private partnerships, global trade and transportation, to name a few.
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