Fiscal Year 2013-2014 begins on October 1, 2013 for local governments, and the City of St Augustine has announced to Historic City News the dates set for public meetings related to its budget for that accounting year.
According to the Office of the Comptroller, Mark Litzinger, the pre-budget briefing before the city commission will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 22.
The commission’s budget workshop is scheduled to be held on Thursday, August 22, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Both meetings will be held in the Alcazar Room of the City Hall Building located at 75 King Street in St Augustine. New safety measures will require attendees to empty the contents of their pockets, subject their bags to search, and submit to an electronic frisk performed by uniformed police using handheld wands upon entry, or re-entry, to the meeting room. Allow sufficient additional time to accomplish this new safety measure.
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