We are very early in this year’s election cycle; candidates are still signing up to run and others have already withdrawn. The first reliable date when voters will know exactly who, and how many candidates, will vie for each contested seat, is 12:01 p.m. on Friday, June 20th — that is also the first reliable date when voters will know which Primary Elections are open to all qualified voters and which are closed by party affiliation.
Although the Supervisor of Elections will begin accepting qualifying papers on June 2nd, “qualifying week” does not begin until Monday, June 16, 2014, at noon; and runs through noon, Friday, June 20th — still six-weeks away.
At issue, with some political observers, is the overwhelming amount of cash that has infused Jay Morris’ campaign — and some of the familiar faces behind that money. According to the reports filed to date, as of April 30, John H. “Jay” Morris has accepted a total of $93,488.60 in campaign donations.
St Johns County has not seen such large campaign contributions since before the 2006 recession — when residential construction was out of control. No large surprise, perhaps, that many of those contributors to Jay Morris’ campaign are large land holders and those in the land development business — the type of donor who, more than likely, will have to appear before the commission for favorable consideration of zoning changes, approval of planned unit developments, or variances from the county’s comprehensive plan.
Denver Cook is one of two candidates for Morris’ seat on the Board. He has spent only $50 less than Morris on actual campaign activities, based on available reports. But, despite that fact, Cook has only raised $10,500 total — most of which he loaned to his own campaign. The third candidate, Dan Abel, has reported raising $4,150.10; and, like Cook, $3,500 of that money is a loan from the candidate to himself.
Morris was elected to his seat in 2010. He raised almost 3-times as much money as his closest opponent in that race. Chairman Morris has the same number of opponents to his re-election as he had when he first ran. So, the question many are asking is why does he now need $93,488.60 when he was originally elected with $61,762.50? Who will profit from the extra $32,000, or is this simply an effort to win favor, influence, and stroke the ego of a man in his dotage?
There are varying conclusions as to what motivates someone to donate $1,000 to a candidate for election to a local political office. What impression do you have of a $1,000 donor whose wife also donates $1,000, and perhaps his business kicks in even more money? What about three or four companies with common ownership, or control, each of which contributes the maximum legal donation?
Take a look at the names and occupations of the recent investors in Commission Chairman Jay Morris’ political future:
Michael D Abney, 108 Plantation Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Franklin H Adams, 128 Governors Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Cooper Agent, 136 Governors Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Conrad F Ahrens, 129 Dornoch Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Harold E Aken, Jr, 2607 Long Boat Court, North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $300.00
Cindy Hutson Aldrich, 1734 River Plantation Lane, Jacksonville, Homemaker, $1,000.00
Brooks A Allen, Box 1703, Ponte Vedra Beach, Insurance Agent, $500.00
Alsop Companies LLC, 77 Almeria Street, St Augustine, Investment Company, $1,000.00
Alsop, Inc , Box 1389, St Augustine , Real Estate Developer, $1,000.00
American Pet Resort LLC, 5130 University Blvd West, Jacksonville, Pet Boarder, $1,000.00
G B Apol, 535 John Anderson Drive, Ormond Beach, Real Estate, $200.00
Cheryl P Armstrong, 108 Cannon Court West, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $100.00
Kristi B Awad, 8046 Whisper Lake Lane West, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $250.00
James G Baldwin, 108 Heritage Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Francis H Barker, 149 Twelve Oaks Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Barnes Farms LLLP, P O Drawer 1026, Hastings, Farmer, $500.00
Bayard Group LLC, 14775 Old St Augustine Road, Jacksonville , Investment Company, $1,000.00
Sandra S Beers, 157 Twelve Oaks Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
William R Bennett, 217 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Steven E Berman, 830-13 A1A North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Financial Advisor, $500.00
Kenneth M Bertaccini, 120 Surrey Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
John R Birk, 212 Cannon Court East, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Donald F Blackburn, 220 Settlers Row N, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
Blue Sky Farms, LLC, Box 202, Hastings, Farm, $100.00
Dane R Boggs, 684 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Stephen R Booma, 121 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Raymond Walker Boushie, 124 Laurel Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Lauren S Braren, 329 N Shipwreck Ave , Ponte Vedra Beach, Realtor , $200.00
Michael E Braren, 329 N Shipwreck Ave , Ponte Vedra Beach, CEO BHK Capital, $400.00
Cecily L Browning, 148 River Marsh Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Sec’y/Treas Browning Ins, $200.00
Kenneth Bryan, 126 Oyster Catcher Circle, St Augustine, Retired, $125.00
Susan M Canon, 67 Village Walk Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Christopher L Carson, 2301 Greenside Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $25.00
John A Cellucci, 101 Overlook Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Centre Corporate Services, Inc, 818 A1A North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Mortgage Company, $500.00
Jenifer Chaffey, 201 Settlers Row North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
Laura Chenore, 112 Broad Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Luther Coggin, Box 3499, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
E Bland Cologne, 8960 County Road 13, North St Augustine, President Security Co , $1,000.00
Mona E Cologne, 8960 County Road 13, North St Augustine, Housewife, $1,000.00
Committee for Economic Develop, 818 A1A North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Economic Development, $250.00
Septimus C Connor, 205 Saranac Lane, St Augustine, Retired, $200.00
Constantine Constructors, 1988 Lewis Turner Blvd , Fort Walton Beach, Construction, $1,000.00
Coquina Ridge LLC, 77 Almeria Street, St Augustine, Real Estate Developer, $1,000.00
Margaret Walker Costello, 109 Twelve Oaks Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
PGA Tour Golf Course Properties, Inc , 100 PGA Tour Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach, Golf Course Properties, $500.00
Clara A Cowan, 244 Patrick Mill Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Maria R Cox, 104 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
James E Davidson, 276 Pinehurst Pointe Drive, St Augustine, Real Estate, $500.00
Sharon P Davidson, 276 Pinehurst Pointe Drive, St Augustine, Broker, $500.00
Sharon P Davidson, 276 Pinehurst Pointe Drive, St Augustine, Broker, $500.00
H Davis, Davis Family Office, Jacksonville, Retired, $1,000.00
Richard O Davis, 101 Kings Grant, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $300.00
Polly B Dirvin, 108 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $300.00
Tom Dodson, 75 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Real Estate, $500.00
Dix Druce, One Independent Drive, Jacksonville , Insurance, $200.00
Durbin Creek National, LLC, Box 23627, Jacksonville, Land holding corp , $1,000.00
Eastland Development Group,Inc, 700 Ponte Vedra Lakes Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Real Estate, $300.00
Gary F Ehlig, 180 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $750.00
Michael R Elliott, 13 Sea Bass Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
EMM Properties, LLC, 14775 Old St Augustine Road, Jacksonville, Real Estate, $1,000.00
England, Thims & Miller, Inc , 14775 Old St Augustine Road, Jacksonville, Civil Engineers, $1,000.00
Paul S Ferber, 151 Sawgrass Corners Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Real Estate, $200.00
Paul S Ferber, 151 Sawgrass Corners Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Chairman, $500.00
The Ferber Company, 151 Sawgrass Corners Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Commercial Development, $1,000.00
Jerome S Fletcher, 141 Harbourmaster Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $350.00
Paul Z Fletcher, 1548 The Greens Way, Jacksonville Beach, Developer, $250.00
Fletcher Stein, 1211 N 3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach, Insurance, $500.00
Judith Y Flynn, 1 Players Club Villas Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $25.00
Stephen A Foreman, 112 Laurel Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Tom Frankland, 5040 Bentgrass Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
James Gabrielsen, 321 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Kimberly H Galen, 1086 Larkspur Loop, St Johns , Homemaker, $1,000.00
John S Garvey, 144 Governors Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
Gate Petroleum Company, Box 23627, Jacksonville, Gas company, $1,000.00
Joanne C Ghiloni, 115 Deer Estates Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $50.00
Ronald T Giddens, Box 51448, Jacksonville Beach, Funeral Director, $100.00
Eduardo E Gil, 5110 Otter Creek Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Accountant, $500.00
Mary C Girasole, 220 Laurel Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Investment Management, $100.00
Robert T Golitz, 124 Teal Pointe Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
H F Green, Box 1568, St Augustine, Businessman, $500.00
Judith R Haberkorn, 101 Paddock Place, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired Executive, $1,000.00
Y E Hall, 59 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Steven T Halverson, 111 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville , Retired, $1,000.00
Robert T Harding, 408 Clearwater Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
Haskell, 111 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville , Construction, $1,000.00
Elvira F Hasty, 187 Governors Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Alden G Hatch, 104 Lantana Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Douglas J Haugland, 225 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Samuel F Heffner, 2634 Lighthouse Cove , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Richard J Hernandez, 145 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
B C Herring, 42 Little Bay Harbor Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Zena K Hodor, 112 Planters Row East, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Dayle Hoffecker, 733 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $200.00
Harvey R Holding, 112 Cannon Court West, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $400.00
Daniel Holiday, 11 Aviles Street, St Augustine, Businessman, $100.00
Robert H Hood, 112 Regents Place, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $400.00
Joan J Horne, 112 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
John R Horne, 112 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Williaam Horschel, 105 Laurel Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Self-employed, $200.00
Kristopher D Horvath, 178 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Businessman, $100.00
Janice L Humphrey, 7533 Red Osier Drive SW, Byron Center, Housewife, $1,000.00
James W Hutchinon, 59 S Roscoe Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
David W Hutson, 3030 Hartley Road, Jacksonville, Business Owner, $1,000.00
Diane Jacobsen, 830 A1A N , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Donald B Johnson, 128 Lake Julia Drive North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $150.00
Bette J Kalousdian, 25200 Marsh Landing Pkwy, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Thomas Karrison, 8 Christopher Street, St Augustine, Retired, $50.00
Merle J Kieper, 132 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
K S \”Buzzy\” Klausner, 621 Lake Stone Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Plumber, $250.00
Donald R Knab, 164 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Mary F Kohnke, 29 South Roscoe Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Fisher Koppenhafer Architecture, 9104 Cypress Green Dr , Jacksonville, Architectural Firm, $250.00
William F Koss, 240 Laurel Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Businessman, $100.00
Kathleen Kraus, 109 Meeting Place, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $250.00
Harold E Krivan, 158 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Marianne L Kuhlthau, 136 Laurel Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Luisa Kuhn, 1000 Vicars Landing Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
David G Kulik, 713 Great Egret Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Richard Lenderman, 936 Spinnakers Reach Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
James L Liang, 101 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
Thomas F Linnen, 404 Clearwater Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Margaret Sue Mabry, 117 Plantation Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $100.00
Daniel W MacDonald, 1000 Vicars Landing Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Gerald S Maloney, 231 Barony Drive, Jacksonville, Retired, $50.00
Marvin L Mann, 233 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Regina S Mathews, 3145 Bishop Estates Road, Jackonville, Homemaker, $1,000.00
W M Matthews, 111 Lantana Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
Marilyn McAfee, 24700 Deer Trace Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Thomas P McAndrews, 152 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $400.00
Lynn A McCann, 108 Planters Row East, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Hugh Davis McCarty, 308 Royal Tern Road South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $150.00
Louis E McGough, 715 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $35.00
Meridian Management Corp , 818 A1A North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Mortgage Company, $500.00
Charles B Merrill, 74 Village Walk Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Herbert Mintzer, 300 Plantation Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Carol Moss, 24727 Deer Trace Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Homemaker, $250.00
Moss, Rafuse & Rosati, 337 E Bay Street, Jacksonville, Attorneys at Law, $300.00
Herbert O Nichols, 101 Laurel Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $300.00
Joseph A Nicosia, 104 Bent Pine Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Christine A Nolte, 109 Cannon Court West, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Lana Norris, 110 Regents Place, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Oakbrook Developers LLC, 154 Lawn Avenue, St Augustine, Developer, $1,000.00
David S OBrien, PO Box 3023, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Ellen Mark OBrien, 102 Lands End, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Raymond V OBrien, 102 Lands End, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Barbara L Orr, 130 Lake Julia Drive North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $25.00
Roger M O\’Steen, 4314 Pablo Oaks Court, Jacksonville , Real Estate Developer, $1,000.00
The Parc Group, Inc , 4314 Pablo Oaks Court, Jacksonville , Developer, $500.00
Frederick P Pariani, 109 Knotty Pine Trail, Ponte Vedra Beach, Planner/Designer, $500.00
Edward K Paul, 217 Settlers Row North, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $250.00
PGA Tour Golf Course Properties, 100 PGA Tour Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach, Real Estate, $500.00
PGA Tour Investments Finance,, 100 PGA Tour Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach, Investments, $1,000.00
PGA Tour Travel, Inc , 100 PGA Tour Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach, Travel, $1,000.00
PH3, Inc , Box 3495, Ponte Vedra Beach, Real Estate Developer, $200.00
Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, 105-A Solana Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Dentistry, $50.00
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, 200 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Resort, $1,000.00
James G Pope, 141 Twelve Oaks Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Pellegrino P Porraro, 157 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Sandra Powell, 109 Sea Lily Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Administrative, $200.00
Howard E Pratt, 176 Laurel Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
D Mark Prestidge, 115 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Grocery Executive, $1,000.00
Louis A Pritchett, 152 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Elizabeth Cooke Puckett, 25 Dolphin Drive, St Augustine, Retired, $100.00
Camelia M Ray, 117 Planters Row E, Ponte Vedra Beach , Housewife, $300.00
Loree M Reed, 149 S Roscoe Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Media Broker, $100.00
Robert J Regan, 320 Plantation Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Ring Power Corporation, 500 World Commerce Parkway, St Augustine, Heavy Equipment, $1,000.00
Randal L Ringhaver, 5855 SR 13 North, St Augustine, Corporate Chairman, $1,000.00
Frederick J Robbins, 209 Cannon Court East, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Kevin M Robbins, 548 Le Master Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Businessman, $100.00
Robert M Angas Associates Inc, 14775 Old St Augustine Road, Jacksonville, Land Surveyors, $1,000.00
Roca Point, LLC, 3424 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, investments, $1,000.00
Stephen Rogers, 401 San Juan Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Martha W Ross, 209 Odoms Mill Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Raymond A Ross, Jr , 185 Twelve Oaks Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Jennifer J Rowe, 142 Muirfield Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $250.00
RPM International, Inc , Box 777, Medina, Manufacturing, $500.00
Thomas E Rueger, 100 Tiffany Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Businessman, $500.00
Charles J Sanders, 105 Plantation Circle South, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Glenn A Schneider, 105 Carriage Court, nte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Dodsley A Schroter, 3023 Cypress Creek Drive East, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Eugene R Schutt, 296 Plantation Circle, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
First Coast Security Solutions, Inc , 1 Independent Drive, Jacksonville, Security Company, $1,000.00
Mary Lou Seeger, 108 Planters Row W, Ponte Vedra Beach, Housewife, $250.00
Andrew G Sharkey, 112 Middleton Place, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
David B Shoar, 7 Hawaiian Blvd , St Augusine, Sheriff, $250.00
Helen E Short, 24760 Harbour View Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Chandler D Simonds, 108 Meeting Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Shepard Colegrove Sink, 24031 Marsh Landing Parkway, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Glenn E Sisler, 120 Retreat Place, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Harry I Skilton, 109 Dahlia Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $1,000.00
Christopher H Smith, 225 Cannon Court East, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Wayne D Smith, 9700 Hastings Blvd , Hastings, Gun Dealer, $50.00
SMR Holdings, Inc , 3424 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Investments, $500.00
SMR Holdings, Inc , 3424 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, Investments, $1,000.00
Southern Realty, 201 Owens Ave , St Augustine, Broker-Real Estate, $100.00
Robert Spooner, 117 Laurel Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
St Johns Insurance, Box 1157, Ponte Vedra Beach, Insurance Agency, $500.00
Martin Stein, One Independent Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Real Estate, $200.00
Sandra Sullivan, Box 777, Medina, Housewife, $1,000.00
Frank C Sullivan, 27320 Lake Road, Bay Village, Chairman & CEO, $1,000.00
Thomas C Sullivan, Box 777, Medina, Retired, $1,000.00
William F Swanson, 140 St Serenata Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
David F Taylor, 108 Laurel Court, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Duncan L Thomas, 32 Players Club Villas, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Robert L Tonsfeldt, 153 Twelve Oaks Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $50.00
Jay Toole, 535 LeMaster Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
TPC Sawgrass, 110 Championship Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Golf, $1,000.00
Gregory L Tunis, 176 Governors Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $300.00
Sally Uhrich, 111 Regents Place, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Vanjul Holdings LLC, 9283 San Jose Blvd , Jacksonville, Accounting firm, $1,000.00
Evelyn G Vozza, 108 Governors Road, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $500.00
Cynthia Ware, 91 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Interior Design, $200.00
William Anthony Watt, 1272 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $200.00
Wildwood II, LLC, 77 Almeria Street, St Augustine, Real Estate Developer, $1,000.00
Audrey Davis Wilson, 1000 Vicars Landing Way, Ponte Vedra Beach, Retired, $100.00
Gregory Wong, 300 Ponte Vedra Blvd , Ponte Vedra Beach, Technology Executive, $1,000.00
Worthen Treat Associates, 184 Twelve Oaks Lane, Ponte Vedra Beach, Land Management, $100.00
Morris and his two challengers are each running as Republicans. That means, if things do not change during the next six weeks, a “universal Primary Election” will be held for the District 4 seat and the highest vote-getter in August will be declared the winner.
Eligible citizens may apply to vote in the August Primary Election, now through the close of business, July 28, 2014. Early Voting for the Primary Election runs from August 15 through August 23, 2014. Primary Election Day is Tuesday, August 26, 2014.
The Registration Book closes for the November General Election on October 6, 2014. Early Voting for the General Election runs from October 20 through November 1, 2014. General Election Day is Tuesday, November 4, 2014.
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