Police reported to Historic City News that a 59-year-old homeless man living in St Augustine, William Donald Flowers, was warned against trespassing at the Historic Downtown Parking Facility a few days ago. Officers said that they received a complaint that Flowers was back on the property. Flowers was arrested and charged with trespassing and remains in custody in lieu of $750 bond.
Cory Clifford, 33, St. Augustine was stopped for an expired tag and found to have a six time suspended license. He was charged and transported to the County Jail.
James Jones, 23, homeless, was arrested for false imprisonment and a domestic battery. Officers witnessed this altercation at Denny’s North Ponce Boulevard.
A Flagler College student reported locking their bike at the College two weeks ago. They went back today to retrieve the bike and it was missing. It is described as a black and teal Huffy with a black basket valued at $150.
Andrew Rantuccio, 22, St. Augustine was arrested for prowling when a citizen called in that he had seen 4 individuals climb on the roof of 108 St. George Street. The three others were able to leave the area before the officer could round them up.
September 30, 2014
Mike Daughtery, 28, homeless, was arrested at Carmelo’s for stealing a $1.15 Milky Way candy bar.
Kelly Henson, 2, St. Augustine was arrested for DUI and leaving the scene of an accident. Her breathalyzer tests were 0.187 and 0.191.
Andy Feldman, 24, St. Augustine was arrested for introduction of contraband in a correctional facility. His friend Andrew Hagan, 19, St. Augustine was arrested for Disorderly Intoxication.
Robert Purnell, 36, Jacksonville was arrested after a crash and police determining his license had been suspended several times.
A person reported that their $230 hybrid Schwinn bicycle was stolen from the Fort Green after they secured it to a tree.
Christopher Maxwell, 29, St. Augustine was caught on camera stealing money out of the tip jar at Crucial Coffee. Employees found him drinking at the White Lion.
A black 2008 Ford Focus was found on Mulvey St. blocking traffic, the owner was not located and the vehicle was towed.
Richard Petry, 61 St. Augustine left a local restaurant on Aviles Street without paying his bill. The management knew Petry and signed a complaint charging him with Defrauding an Innkeeper.
A homeowner on Marion Street called to report someone had stolen an air conditioner from a window.
The Kangaroo Store at 511 Anastasia Blvd call to report a w/m with curly hair entered the store and stole two cans of beer. The suspect left westbound on a bicycle.
A homeowner at 124 Bravo Street reported someone stole one of two small 3 feet whit lions from their front yard.
A woman in town for her son’s wedding reported that $1,200 was missing from her room at the “Bayfront Inn”. She reported the mysterious disappearance to the front desk who called the police. There are no witnesses, there may be a suspect, investigation continues.
Officers responded to the Red Carpet on a disturbance call. Jennifer Bailey, 38 Jacksonville was arrested for possession of Meth, possession of marijuana less than 20 grams and Possession of Cocaine.
Bryan Mullin was in a truck that was involved in a hit and run accident. Through the investigation Mullin would not cooperate with the police and answer their questions or come out the house he ran into. Officers had enough information at that point to just sign charges on Mullin resisting without violence instead of breaking down the door.
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