Historic City News received a copy of the letter forwarded to the Office of Construction and Facilities Management in Washington, D.C., asking the Veterans Administration to provide “a firm timeline for relocation” after representatives from the local Community Based Outpatient Clinic asked Construction Services Department staff about how the building will be maintained after the County vacates. They indicated on January 13th that it would likely be closer to the end of the summer before the VA could relocate to a new Modular Community Based Outpatient Clinic; as reported by Historic City News and other local media. Wanchick reported that no contact has been made with the County’s Growth Management Department to obtain the permits required for the proposed modular clinic.
“After County employees move into the new Health and Human Services facility, St. Johns County will no longer have a presence at the current facility,” Wanchick informed the VA in his letter. “This raises maintenance and security issues, and will impact other essential building support services and systems.”
St Johns County is in the crosshairs since it no longer owns what remains of St Augustine General Hospital. The site is currently used by several county and state agencies, including the Veterans Administration. The new owner, Lowes, plans to demolish the building and construct a new home improvement store.
“Despite numerous inquiries on a variety of concerns, there has been no response by the VA,” Wanchick said in today’s letter. “Please advise this office, as soon as possible, whether or not the March 31, 2015, contractually obligated moving date can be relied upon by St. Johns County and Lowes for our respective planning purposes.”
St. Johns County says they have “made every effort” to assist the VA in finding a suitable Community Based Outpatient Clinic site — avoiding an interruption of services to the County’s veterans. However, the new Health and Human Services building will open soon on San Sebastian View and the County is ready to move in. The VA chose not to relocate to the new county facility. Consequently, Wanchick says it is difficult for him to understand the continuing lack of communication.
“The County was under the impression, based on recent U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs press releases, that it would be vacating the facility before the March 31, 2015 deadline,” Wanchick wrote.
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