At 10:08 a.m. the first bright flash of lightening and clap of thunder, separated by no more than one or two seconds, signaled that the downpour was imminent. And, it was. A sheeting rain, interrupted by occasional recurrence of nature’s light show, sent what few people who had been milling around on a search for cover.
Mr. and Mrs. Gold set out at 7:00 a.m. in search of half and half. We had Starbucks in the room, but powdered non-dairy “creamer” is not working for me. There is a continental breakfast at the Inn, but until 8:00 a.m., we were on our own. We walked north on San Marco Avenue to the Tiger Eleven and had the street to ourselves.
After breakfast, I headed over to the clock circle to identify three large stages that had been set up Friday but left vacant. An army of Lottery employees descended on the driveway where the tents were being assembled. They popped open a tractor-trailer in the parking lot, and began unloading case after case of logoed merchandise to be given away throughout the day, courtesy of the Florida Lottery.
A satellite dish was being connected for the designated lottery retailer who would be on site selling scratch-offs and lotto tickets for tonight’s 11:00 p.m. drawing. Two managers led the operations and gave escort to a handful of FDLE Special Agents who had custody of the cash. Winners can redeem winning tickets on location.
Just then, the rain came.
A break in the rain came about 12:30-1:00 p.m. so we grabbed an umbrella and ventured out on our own. We caught the end of the Deaf Department students from FSDB as they were concluding their dance performance in the Plaza Market. At this hour entertainment is moving ahead as scheduled. Musical performances were underway in the Gazebo in the Plaza and on Hypolita Street as we made it back to file this report.
The National Weather Service is warning on thunderstorms in the area but with any luck, they won’t hamper tonight’s fireworks display. The time for that activity is being coordinated around the stage performances at the west foot of the bridge, the Lottery drawing is the only time certain activity, 11:00 p.m. on the dot. More later.
Photo credits: © 2015 Historic City News staff photographer
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