Patricia Ponder, a spokesperson for the St. Augustine/Ketterlinus High School Alumni Association, reported to Historic City News the announcement of this year’s scholarship winners.
A future nurse, a financial analyst and a nutritionist or physical therapist were recently selected to receive the annual Terrell G. Davis Scholarship, Carol A. Melton Scholarship, and Dr. Ione L. Perry Scholarship, announced during the Class of ’17 senior awards night ceremony.
Anna Faith Crum won the Terrell G. Davis Scholarship. Anna said she was encouraged to apply for the award by her friend, and one of last year’s scholarship recipients, Becca Roberts.
Anna, who spent four years on the honor roll and in the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) program, explained both the SA/KHS Alumni Association scholarship and her recent citizenship award from the St. Augustine City Commission the same way.
“I’ve always had a love for service, and what I mean by that is being available, being open and willing to meet the needs of others,” she said. “I think it’s important to be an example for the rising generations.”
The choice to study nutrition at the University of North Florida came after Anna, a student athlete who played volleyball and softball, noticed that a diet of mostly processed foods wasn’t helping her game.
“I didn’t feel so great,” she said. She began online research to improve her own conditioning, which led to her decision to pursue a career in health sciences. In addition, Anna credits her lifestyle change to helping her be a leader on and off the court.
In addition to serving as senior class treasurer, secretary of Interact Club, and mentoring freshmen, Anna is also active at Anastasia Baptist Church. She volunteers in children’s programs and traveled to France on a mission trip in 2015.
She was given the Character Counts Youth American Character Award in her senior year, and her volleyball team chose her for the 2016 Pursue Victory with Honor character award. She was also a member of Mu Alpha Theta and helped organize Pi Day for students enrolled in math.
The Terrell G. Davis Scholarship was established by the SAHS Class of ’63 and the Davis family in memory of Terry, who was a member the U.S. Navy, the St. Augustine Police Dept., and the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office. Recipients are chosen based on academic achievement and service to the community.

Dea’Jah Shantasi’a Jones loves numbers. Maybe that’s why a former math teacher wrote on Dea’Jah’s scholarship application that she was the instructor’s “favorite student of all time.” It’s also what led Dea’Jah to pursue a career as a financial analyst when she attends Florida A&M University this fall.
Dea’Jah won the Carol A. Melton Scholarship.
While working at Taco Bell for the past three years, Dea’Jah was also enrolled in both the Advanced Via Individual Determination (AVID) and AICE programs. She was also named to National Honor Society and was a member of the cheerleading squad from 9th grade through 12th, serving as captain her senior year. She was also president of her 9th, 10th and 11th grade classes and a member of the Track and Field team from her sophomore year on.
Dea’Jah said winning the scholarship was, “very exciting,” but it was also something more.
“It took a little bit of the stress away,” she said. Dea’Jah chose FAMU to get the, “full college experience and exposure,” she added, but she is planning to use the work/study program to help offset some of the costs.
Time-management, which will help with the work/study program, seems to already be one of Dea’Jah’s talents. It allowed her to participate in Youth Cheer camps all three years, beach clean-ups, Hurricane Matthew clean-ups, book drives for elementary school students, and Young Life, in addition to her work and school duties.
Dea’Jah, a former St. Johns County Schools Student of the Month and winner of the Beaver Toyota Character Counts award, will also be the first in her family to attend college.
The Carol A. Melton Scholarship was endowed by the Class of ’72 valedictorian and 2011 inductee of the SA/KHS Hall of Fame. After earning her master’s from the University of Florida and Juris Doctor from Washington College of Law, she became a senior manager at Time-Warner and oversees public policy in the company’s Washington D.C., London, Brussels, and Hong Kong offices. Recipients of the scholarship exemplify leadership and achievement through education.

Berkeley Tina Peterson said she was shocked to win the Dr. Ione L. Perry Scholarship because she didn’t think she worked harder than any of her friends who applied. But as one of a set of triplets, with one more sibling graduating next year, she is grateful for all the help with education costs that she and her parents can get.
Berkeley wants to follow her mother and grandmother into nursing, and plans to attend Southeastern University in Lakeland. Her other reasons for going into nursing are more personal.
A brain condition called arteriovenous malformation (AVM), diagnosed at age 11, led to five surgeries that successfully shrank the AVM to half its original size. But Berkeley lives with the condition to this day, and said so much time spent at Johns Hopkins Medical Center and other treatment settings helps her understand the impact of good nursing care.
“Having a nurse who really cares can really brighten up someone’s day,” she said, adding, “Now I’m blessed to have a normal life like any teenager.”
Or at least, like any busy teenager. Berkeley stayed on the A-B honor roll from the 9th through 12th grades and was named to National Honor Society. She won the International French Exam Award for two years in a row by scoring in the top 25 percent of those taking the test worldwide. She was also dual-enrolled at St. Johns River State College and has almost earned her associate’s degree along with her high school diploma.
She was on the soccer, cross-country, and track and field teams, as well as serving as football manager. In that role, she videotaped all practices and season games for player performance feedback, and considers photography and videography among her favorite hobbies.
Berkeley also volunteered with the St. Johns County Police Athletic League in the concession stand for three years, with the Crescent Beach Baptist Church as a vacation bible school assistant teacher, and for Sea Missions, which included repairing buildings in the Bahamas.
The Dr. Ione L. Perry Scholarship, endowed by the KHS Class of ’54 and 2012 inductee into the SA/KHS Hall of Fame, goes to a graduating senior with a thirst for knowledge and the drive to make a difference. Perry earned a Ph.D. from Florida State University, as well as receiving the Distinguished Teacher Educator award and North Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence in recognition of her work with the North Carolina Department of Education.
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