The Mid-term General Election is today. Early voting ended on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Today you must vote at your assigned precinct. Election Day – polls are open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
For those Historic City News readers planning to vote today and wondering what options you have, here are a few tips:
• You may cast a Vote By Mail ballot on Monday at the Elections Office 4455 Avenue A, Suite 101 in St. Augustine. The Office is open 8:30 AM-4:30 PM.
• On Tuesday, the law requires voters to vote at your polling place.
• The Elections Office is not a polling place on Election Day. For voting, you will be directed to your polling place where you can cast your ballot in person. Vote by mail ballots may only be issued at the Elections Office under emergency circumstances.
• Know where to vote before you go. Some polling places have changed since 2016, and voters move all the time, but don’t always update their address with the Elections Office before going to vote.
• Visit our website at www.votesjc.com and use the tools we have available. By using My Voter Status under the quick links you can check your record, verify your address, locate your polling place, and view your sample ballot. If you have moved, give the office a call at 823-2238 and we will update your address and send you to your correct polling place the first time. This can be a real time saver! Often voters must be rerouted on Election Day because they go to an incorrect polling location.
• If your address is protected, use this link to locate your polling place and view your sample ballot https://www.votesjc.com/My-Voter-Page/Find-My-Polling-Place
• Use your sample ballot to prepare for voting. The ballot is a very long – 14 “, 2 sided with 12 constitutional amendments. Visit our website and use the 2018 Constitutional Amendments Information link on the front page. Research materials are available for you. Do your research and be prepared to vote when you arrive at your polling place Election Day.
• Bring photo and signature ID with you when you vote, Florida law requires it. Your voter registration card is NOT an acceptable ID.
If you requested a vote by mail ballot and still have it in hand, it’s too late to mail it and have it reach the Elections Office by 7:00 p.m. in time to be counted. Ballots must be received in the Office by 7:00 p.m. If they are late, they will not count. You may still go to your precinct and vote in person or use one of the secure vote by mail drop boxes located at all public libraries, St. Augustine Beach City Hall, and the Ponte Vedra and Julington Creek Tax Offices. Look inside each of the locations for the red box. They are available on Monday and Tuesday until 5:00 p.m., when they are all picked up. There is also a 24 hr. Vote by mail Drop by in front of the Elections Office.
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