The City of St Augustine Beach held their regular City Commission Meeting on Monday, July 6, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. Melinda Conlon, Communications and Events Coordinator, informed local Historic City News reporters that the Commission passed a resolution that requires social distancing while indoors, except for their residence. Otherwise, an approved face covering mask is required.
The requirement does not apply to any outdoor activity allowed under City, County, or State order, but face coverings should be readily available when coming within six (6) feet of an individual not part of a person’s immediate family or cohabitant.
If a permit is issued by the City of Saint Augustine Beach for an outdoor event greater than or equal to fifty (50) persons, that permit shall require wearing the face coverings as a condition of issuance of the permit and those that attend are required to conform to this resolution.
All businesses are encouraged to require visitors to wear face coverings with these exceptions:
- Persons under the age of five years.
- Persons observing social distancing in accordance with CDC guidelines.
- Persons for whom a face covering would cause impairment due to an existing health condition.
- Persons working in a business or profession who do not have interactions with other persons.
- Persons working in a business or profession who maintain social distancing from another person.
- Persons working in a business or profession where use of a face covering would prevent them from performing the duties of the business or profession, especially if the wearing of a face covering may present a health hazard such as excessive heat.
- Persons exercising, while maintaining social distancing.
- Persons eating or drinking.
- Public safety, fire and other life safety and health care personnel, as their personal protective equipment requirements will be governed by their respective agencies.
In other business, the Commission passed an ordinance on final reading to allow the City Manager to transfer up to $15,000 between accounts in a City department and between accounts in different City departments.
The Commission also passed an ordinance to establish the mixed-use district boundaries along A1A Beach Boulevard. The ordinance will have a final reading at the Commission’s August 3rd meeting.
In addition, the Commission approved a resolution to have the canvassing and certification of vote-by-mail ballots in the August 2020 primary election done by the Supervisor of Elections and the County’s Canvassing Board.
Two budget resolutions were approved by the Commission. The first to provide $539,894 from the General Road to the reserves of the Road/Bridge Fund; the second to appropriate $1,500 to the Police Athletic League.
The Commission approved the preparation by the City Attorney of a lease with a consortium of local non-profit organizations for the lease of the former police garage, which is adjacent to the former city hall.
The Commission approved on first reading an ordinance to mandate the wearing of face coverings indoors when social distancing is not possible.
The Commission scheduled a meeting on Monday, July 27, 2020, at 5:30 p.m., to review the Fiscal Year 2021 budget and to set the property tax millage for FY 2021.
The next regular City Commission will be held on Monday, August 3, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. This is a public meeting and the public is invited to attend. Following CDC guidelines for social distancing, there will be limited public seating in the Commission room and the adjacent meeting room.
To watch the meeting live via YouTube visit this link, or visit www.staugbch.com for more information.
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